Source code for tiatoolbox.wsicore.wsimeta

"""This module defines a dataclass which holds metadata about a WSI.

With this class, metadata is in a normalized consistent format
which is quite useful when working with many different WSI formats.
The raw metadata is also preserved and accessible via a dictionary. The
format of this dictionary may vary between WSI formats.


from __future__ import annotations

from numbers import Number
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from tiatoolbox import logger

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from import Mapping, Sequence

    from tiatoolbox.typing import Resolution, Units

[docs] class WSIMeta: """Whole slide image metadata class. Args: slide_dimensions (int, int): Tuple containing the width and height of the WSI. These are for the baseline (full resolution) image if the WSI is a pyramid or multi-resolution. level_dimensions (list): A list of dimensions for each level of the pyramid or for each resolution in the WSI. objective_power (float, optional): The power of the objective lens used to create the image. level_count: (int, optional): The number of levels or resolutions in the WSI. If not given this is assigned len(level_dimensions). Defaults to None. level_downsamples (:obj:`list` of :obj:`float`): List of scale values which describe how many times smaller the current level is compared with the baseline. vendor (str, optional): Scanner vendor/manufacturer description. mpp (float, float, optional): Microns per pixel. file_path (Path, optional): Path to the corresponding WSI file. raw (dict, optional): Dictionary of unprocessed metadata extracted from the WSI format. For JPEG-2000 images this contains an xml object under the key "xml". Attributes: slide_dimensions (tuple(int)): Tuple containing the width and height of the WSI. These are for the baseline (full resolution) image if the WSI is a pyramid or multi-resolution. Required. axes (str): Axes ordering of the image. This is most relevant for OME-TIFF images where the axes ordering can vary. For most images this with be "YXS" i.e. the image is store in the axis order of Y coordinates first, then X coordinates, and colour channels last. level_dimensions (list): A list of dimensions for each level of the pyramid or for each resolution in the WSI. Defaults to [slide_dimension]. objective_power (float): The magnification power of the objective lens used to scan the image. Not always present or accurate. Defaults to None. level_count: (int): The number of levels or resolutions in the WSI. If not given this is assigned len(level_dimensions). Defaults to len(level_dimensions). level_downsamples (:obj:`list` of :obj:`float`): List of scale values which describe how many times smaller the current level is compared with the baseline. Defaults to (1,). vendor (str): Scanner vendor/manufacturer description. mpp (float, float, optional): Microns per pixel. Derived from objective power and sensor size. Not always present or accurate. Defaults to None. file_path (Path): Path to the corresponding WSI file. Defaults to None. raw (dict): Dictionary of unprocessed metadata extracted from the WSI format. For JP2 images this contains an xml object under the key "xml". Defaults to empty dictionary. """ _valid_axes_characters = "YXSTZ" def __init__( # noqa: PLR0913 self: WSIMeta, slide_dimensions: tuple[int, int], axes: str, level_dimensions: Sequence[tuple[int, int]] | None = None, objective_power: float | None = None, level_count: int | None = None, level_downsamples: Sequence[float] | None = (1,), vendor: str | None = None, mpp: Sequence[float] | None = None, file_path: Path | None = None, raw: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize WSIMeta.""" self.axes = axes self.objective_power = float(objective_power) if objective_power else None self.slide_dimensions = tuple(int(x) for x in slide_dimensions) self.level_dimensions = ( tuple((int(w), int(h)) for w, h in level_dimensions) if level_dimensions is not None else [self.slide_dimensions] ) self.level_downsamples = ( [float(x) for x in level_downsamples] if level_downsamples is not None else None ) self.level_count = ( int(level_count) if level_count is not None else len(self.level_dimensions) ) self.vendor = str(vendor) self.mpp = np.array([float(x) for x in mpp]) if mpp is not None else None self.file_path = Path(file_path) if file_path is not None else None self.raw = raw if raw is not None else None self.validate()
[docs] def validate(self: WSIMeta) -> bool: """Validate passed values and cast to Python types. Metadata values are often given as strings and must be parsed/cast to the appropriate python type e.g. "3.14" to 3.14 etc. Returns: bool: True is validation passed, False otherwise. """ passed = True # Fatal conditions: Should return False if not True if len(set(self.axes) - set(self._valid_axes_characters)) > 0: logger.warning( "Axes contains invalid characters. Valid characters are %s.", self._valid_axes_characters, ) passed = False if self.level_count < 1: logger.warning("Level count is not a positive integer.") passed = False if self.level_dimensions is None: logger.warning("'level_dimensions' is None.") passed = False elif len(self.level_dimensions) != self.level_count: logger.warning("Length of level dimensions != level count") passed = False if self.level_downsamples is None: logger.warning("Level downsamples is None.") passed = False elif len(self.level_downsamples) != self.level_count: logger.warning("Length of level downsamples != level count") passed = False # Non-fatal conditions: Raise warning only, do not fail validation if self.raw is None: logger.warning("Raw data is None.") if all(x is None for x in [self.objective_power, self.mpp]): logger.warning("Unknown scale (no objective_power or mpp)") return passed
[docs] def level_downsample( self: WSIMeta, level: float, ) -> float: """Get the downsample factor for a level. For non-integer values of `level`, the downsample factor is linearly interpolated between from the downsample factors of the level below and the level above. Args: level (float): Level to get downsample factor for. Returns: float: Downsample factor for the given level. """ level_downsamples = self.level_downsamples if isinstance(level, int) or int(level) == level: # Return the downsample for the level return level_downsamples[int(level)] # Linearly interpolate between levels floor = int(np.floor(level)) ceil = int(np.ceil(level)) floor_downsample = level_downsamples[floor] ceil_downsample = level_downsamples[ceil] return np.interp(level, [floor, ceil], [floor_downsample, ceil_downsample])
[docs] def relative_level_scales( self: WSIMeta, resolution: Resolution, units: Units, ) -> list[np.ndarray]: """Calculate scale of each level in the WSI relative to given resolution. Find the relative scale of each image pyramid / resolution level of the WSI relative to the given resolution and units. Values > 1 indicate that the level has a larger scale than the target and < 1 indicates that it is smaller. Args: resolution (Resolution): Scale to calculate relative to units. units (Units): Units of the scale. Allowed values are: `"mpp"`, `"power"`, `"level"`, `"baseline"`. Baseline refers to the largest resolution in the WSI (level 0). Raises: ValueError: Missing MPP metadata. ValueError: Missing objective power metadata. ValueError: Invalid units. Returns: list: Scale for each level relative to the given scale and units. Examples: >>> from tiatoolbox.wsicore.wsireader import WSIReader >>> wsi ="./CMU-1.ndpi") >>> print(, "mpp")) [array([0.91282519, 0.91012514]), array([1.82565039, 1.82025028]) ... >>> from tiatoolbox.wsicore.wsireader import WSIReader >>> wsi ="./CMU-1.ndpi") >>> print(, "baseline")) [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 32.0] """ if units not in ("mpp", "power", "level", "baseline"): msg = "Invalid units" raise ValueError(msg) level_downsamples = self.level_downsamples def np_pair(x: Number | np.array) -> np.ndarray: """Ensure input x is a numpy array of length 2.""" # If one number is given, the same value is used for x and y if isinstance(x, Number): return np.array([x] * 2) return np.array(x) if units == "level": if resolution >= len(level_downsamples): msg = ( f"Target scale level {resolution} > " f"number of levels {len(level_downsamples)} in WSI" ) raise ValueError( msg, ) base_scale, resolution = 1, self.level_downsample(resolution) resolution = np_pair(resolution) if units == "mpp": if self.mpp is None: msg = "MPP is None. Cannot determine scale in terms of MPP." raise ValueError(msg) base_scale = self.mpp if units == "power": if self.objective_power is None: msg = ( "Objective power is None. " "Cannot determine scale in terms of objective power.", ) raise ValueError( msg, ) base_scale, resolution = 1 / self.objective_power, 1 / resolution if units == "baseline": base_scale, resolution = 1, 1 / resolution return [ (base_scale * downsample) / resolution for downsample in level_downsamples ]
[docs] def as_dict(self: WSIMeta) -> dict: """Convert WSIMeta to dictionary of Python types. Returns: dict: Whole slide image metadata as dictionary. """ mpp = (self.mpp, self.mpp) if self.mpp is None else tuple(self.mpp) return { "objective_power": self.objective_power, "slide_dimensions": self.slide_dimensions, "level_count": self.level_count, "level_dimensions": self.level_dimensions, "level_downsamples": self.level_downsamples, "vendor": self.vendor, "mpp": mpp, "file_path": self.file_path, "axes": self.axes, }