Source code for tiatoolbox.visualization.bokeh_app.main

"""Main module for the tiatoolbox visualization bokeh app."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import sys
import tempfile
import urllib
from cmath import pi
from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath
from shutil import rmtree
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, SupportsFloat

import numpy as np
import requests
import torch
from import ButtonClick, DoubleTap, MenuItemClick
from import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import column, row
from bokeh.models import (
from bokeh.models.dom import HTML
from bokeh.models.tiles import WMTSTileSource
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.util import token
from matplotlib import colormaps
from PIL import Image
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry

# GitHub actions seems unable to find TIAToolbox unless this is here
sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent))
from tiatoolbox import logger
from tiatoolbox.models.engine.nucleus_instance_segmentor import (
from import ZoomifyGenerator
from tiatoolbox.utils.visualization import random_colors
from tiatoolbox.visualization.ui_utils import get_level_by_extent
from tiatoolbox.wsicore.wsireader import WSIReader

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from bokeh.document import Document

rng = np.random.default_rng()

# Define some constants
MAX_CAT = 10

# Stylesheets to format some things better

# Stylesheet for the help tooltips
help_ss = InlineStyleSheet(
        :host(.help_tt) {
            white-space: wrap;
            padding-top: 3px;
            padding-bottom: 3px;
            margin-top: 3px;
            margin-bottom: 3px;

# Define helper functions/classes
# region
[docs] class DummyAttr: """Dummy class to enable triggering a callback independently of a widget.""" def __init__(self: DummyAttr, val: Any) -> None: # noqa: ANN401 """Initialize the class.""" self.item = val
[docs] class UIWrapper: """Wrapper class to access ui elements.""" def __init__(self: UIWrapper) -> None: """Initialize the class.""" = 0 def __getitem__(self: UIWrapper, key: str) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 """Gets ui element for the active window.""" return win_dicts[][key]
[docs] def format_info(info: dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Format the slide info for display.""" info_str = f"<b>Slide Name: {info.pop('file_path').name}</b><br>" for k, v in info.items(): info_str += f"{k}: {v}<br>" return info_str
[docs] def get_view_bounds( dims: tuple[float, float], plot_size: tuple[float, float], ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: """Helper to get the current view bounds. Estimate a reasonable initial view bounds based on the image dimensions and the size of the viewing plot. Args: dims: The dimensions of the image. plot_size: The size of the plot. Returns: The view bounds. """ pad = int(np.mean(dims) / 10) aspect_ratio = plot_size[0] / plot_size[1] large_dim = np.argmax(np.array(dims) / plot_size) if large_dim == 1: x_range_start = -0.5 * (dims[1] * aspect_ratio - dims[0]) - aspect_ratio * pad x_range_end = ( dims[1] * aspect_ratio - 0.5 * (dims[1] * aspect_ratio - dims[0]) + aspect_ratio * pad ) y_range_start = -dims[1] - pad y_range_end = pad else: x_range_start = -aspect_ratio * pad x_range_end = dims[0] + pad * aspect_ratio y_range_start = ( -dims[0] / aspect_ratio + 0.5 * (dims[0] / aspect_ratio - dims[1]) - pad ) y_range_end = 0.5 * (dims[0] / aspect_ratio - dims[1]) + pad return x_range_start, x_range_end, y_range_start, y_range_end
[docs] def to_num(x: str | SupportsFloat) -> int | float | None: """Convert a str representation of a number to a numerical value.""" if not isinstance(x, str): return x if x == "None": return None try: return int(x) except ValueError: return float(x)
[docs] def get_from_config(keys: list[str], default: Any = None) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 """Helper to get a value from a config dict. Check dict values for nested keys. The default value is returned if the key is not found. Args: keys: The nested keys to look for. e.g ["a", "b"] will look for config["a"]["b"]. default: The default value to return if the entry is not found. """ c_dict = doc_config.config for k in keys: if k in c_dict: c_dict = c_dict[k] else: return default return c_dict
[docs] def make_ts(route: str, z_levels: int, init_z: int = 4) -> WMTSTileSource: """Helper to make a tile source.""" sf = 2 ** (z_levels - init_z - 5) ts = WMTSTileSource( name="WSI provider", url=route, attribution="", snap_to_zoom=False, min_zoom=0, max_zoom=z_levels - 1, ) ts.tile_size = 256 ts.initial_resolution = 40211.5 * sf * (2 / (100 * pi)) ts.x_origin_offset = 0 ts.y_origin_offset = sf * 10294144.78 * (2 / (100 * pi)) ts.wrap_around = False return ts
[docs] def to_float_rgb(rgb: tuple[int, int, int]) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Helper to convert from int to float rgb(a) tuple.""" return tuple(v / 255 for v in rgb)
[docs] def to_int_rgb(rgb: tuple[float, float, float]) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """Helper to convert from float to int rgb(a) tuple.""" return tuple(int(v * 255) for v in rgb)
[docs] def name2type(name: str) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 """Helper to get original type from stringified version.""" name = UI["vstate"].orig_types[name] if isinstance(name, str): return f'"{name}"' return name
[docs] def hex2rgb(hex_val: str) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Covert hex rgb string to float rgb(a) tuple.""" return tuple(int(hex_val[i : i + 2], 16) / 255 for i in (1, 3, 5))
[docs] def rgb2hex(rgb: tuple[float, float, float]) -> str: """Covert float rgb(a) tuple to hex string.""" int_rgb = to_int_rgb(rgb) return f"#{int_rgb[0]:02x}{int_rgb[1]:02x}{int_rgb[2]:02x}"
[docs] def make_color_seq_from_cmap(cmap: str | None = None) -> list[str]: """Helper to make a color sequence from a colormap.""" if cmap is None: return [ rgb2hex((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), rgb2hex((1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), ] # no colors if using dict return [rgb2hex(cmap(v)) for v in np.linspace(0, 1, 50)]
[docs] def make_safe_name(name: str) -> str: """Helper to make a name safe for use in a URL.""" return urllib.parse.quote(str(PureWindowsPath(name)), safe="")
[docs] def make_color_dict(types: list[str]) -> dict[str, tuple[float, float, float]]: """Helper to make a color dict from a list of types.""" colors = random_colors(len(types), bright=True) # Grab colors out of doc_config["color_dict"] if possible, otherwise use random type_colors = {} for i, t in enumerate(types): if t in UI["vstate"].mapper: # Keep existing color type_colors[t] = UI["vstate"].mapper[t] elif str(t) in get_from_config(["color_dict"], {}): # Grab color from config if possible type_colors[t] = to_float_rgb(doc_config["color_dict"][str(t)]) else: # Otherwise use random type_colors[t] = (*colors[i], 1) return type_colors
[docs] def set_alpha_glyph(glyph: Glyph, alpha: float) -> None: """Set the fill and line alpha for a glyph.""" glyph.fill_alpha = alpha glyph.line_alpha = alpha
[docs] def get_mapper_for_prop(prop: str, mapper_type: str = "auto") -> str | dict[str, str]: """Helper to get appropriate mapper for a property.""" if prop == "type": UI["vstate"].is_categorical = True return UI["vstate"].mapper # Find out the unique values of the chosen property resp = UI["s"].get(f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/prop_values/{prop}/all") prop_vals = json.loads(resp.text) # If auto, guess what cmap should be if ( (len(prop_vals) > MAX_CAT or len(prop_vals) == 0) and mapper_type == "auto" or mapper_type == "continuous" ): cmap = ( "viridis" if UI["cmap_select"].value == "dict" else UI["cmap_select"].value ) UI["vstate"].is_categorical = False else: cmap = make_color_dict(prop_vals) return cmap
[docs] def update_mapper() -> None: """Helper to update the color mapper.""" update_renderer("mapper", UI["vstate"].mapper)
[docs] def update_renderer(prop: str, value: Any) -> None: # noqa: ANN401 """Helper to update a renderer property.""" if prop == "mapper": if value == "dict": value = get_mapper_for_prop( UI["cprop_input"].value[0], mapper_type="dict", ) UI["color_bar"].color_mapper.palette = make_color_seq_from_cmap(None) if not isinstance(value, dict): UI["color_bar"].color_mapper.palette = make_color_seq_from_cmap( colormaps[value], ) UI["color_bar"].visible = True if isinstance(value, dict): # Send keys and values separately so types are preserved value = {"keys": list(value.keys()), "values": list(value.values())} UI["s"].put( f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/cmap", data={"cmap": json.dumps(value)}, ) return UI["s"].put( f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/renderer/{prop}", data={"val": json.dumps(value)}, )
[docs] def build_predicate() -> str: """Builds a predicate string. Builds the appropriate predicate string from the currently selected types, and the filter input. """ preds = [ f'props["type"]=={name2type(layer.label)}' for layer in UI["type_column"].children if and layer.label in UI["vstate"].types ] combo = "None" if len(preds) == len(UI["vstate"].types): preds = [] elif len(preds) == 0: preds = ['props["type"]=="None"'] if len(preds) > 0: combo = "(" + ") | (".join(preds) + ")" if UI["filter_input"].value not in ["None", ""]: if combo == "None": combo = UI["filter_input"].value else: combo = "(" + combo + ") & (" + UI["filter_input"].value + ")" update_renderer("where", combo) return combo
[docs] def initialise_slide() -> None: """Initialise the newly selected slide.""" # Get some slide info UI["vstate"].mpp = UI["vstate"] if UI["vstate"].mpp is None: UI["vstate"].mpp = [1, 1] UI["vstate"].dims = UI["vstate"] slide_name = UI["vstate"] UI["vstate"].types = [] UI["vstate"].props = [] plot_size = np.array([UI["p"].width, UI["p"].height]) # Set up initial view window UI["vstate"].micron_formatter.args["mpp"] = UI["vstate"].mpp[0] if slide_name in get_from_config(["initial_views"], {}): lims = doc_config["initial_views"][slide_name] UI["p"].x_range.start = lims[0] UI["p"].x_range.end = lims[2] UI["p"].y_range.start = -lims[3] UI["p"].y_range.end = -lims[1] # If two windows open and new slide is 'related' to the other, use the same view elif len(win_dicts) == 2 and ( # noqa: PLR2004 win_dicts[0]["vstate"].slide_path.stem in win_dicts[1]["vstate"].slide_path.stem or win_dicts[1]["vstate"].slide_path.stem in win_dicts[0]["vstate"].slide_path.stem or win_dicts[1]["vstate"].dims == win_dicts[0]["vstate"].dims ): # PLR2004 # View should already be correct, pass pass else: x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end = get_view_bounds(UI["vstate"].dims, plot_size) UI["p"].x_range.start = x_start UI["p"].x_range.end = x_end UI["p"].y_range.start = y_start UI["p"].y_range.end = y_end init_z = get_level_by_extent((0, UI["p"].y_range.start, UI["p"].x_range.end, 0)) UI["vstate"].init_z = init_z logger.warning("slide info: %s", UI["vstate"], stacklevel=2) slide_info.text = format_info(UI["vstate"]
[docs] def initialise_overlay() -> None: """Initialise the newly selected overlay.""" UI["vstate"].colors = list(UI["vstate"].mapper.values()) now_active = {b.label: for b in UI["type_column"].children} # Add type toggles for any that weren't already there for t in sorted(UI["vstate"].types): if str(t) not in now_active: UI["type_column"].children.append( Toggle( label=str(t), active=True, width=130, height=30, max_width=130, sizing_mode="stretch_width", ), ) UI["type_column"].children[-1].on_click(layer_select_cb) try: UI["color_column"].children.append( ColorPicker( color=to_int_rgb(UI["vstate"].mapper[t][0:3]), name=str(t), width=60, min_width=60, max_width=70, height=30, sizing_mode="stretch_width", ), ) except KeyError: UI["color_column"].children.append( ColorPicker( color=to_int_rgb(UI["vstate"].mapper[to_num(t)][0:3]), name=str(t), width=60, height=30, min_width=60, max_width=70, sizing_mode="stretch_width", ), ) UI["color_column"].children[-1].on_change( "color", bind_cb_obj(UI["color_column"].children[-1], color_input_cb), ) # Remove any that are no longer in the overlay for b in UI["type_column"].children.copy(): if b.label not in UI["vstate"].types and b.label not in UI["vstate"].layer_dict: UI["type_column"].children.remove(b) for c in UI["color_column"].children.copy(): if not in UI["vstate"].types and "slider" not in UI["color_column"].children.remove(c) build_predicate()
[docs] def add_layer(lname: str) -> None: """Add a new layer to the visualization.""" UI["type_column"].children.append( Toggle( label=lname, active=True, width=130, height=40, max_width=130, sizing_mode="stretch_width", ), ) if lname == "nodes": UI["type_column"].children[-1].active = ( UI["p"].renderers[UI["vstate"].layer_dict[lname]].glyph.line_alpha > 0 ) if lname == "edges": UI["type_column"].children[-1].active = ( UI["p"].renderers[UI["vstate"].layer_dict[lname]].visible ) UI["type_column"].children[-1].on_click( bind_cb_obj_tog(UI["type_column"].children[-1], fixed_layer_select_cb), ) UI["color_column"].children.append( Slider( start=0, end=1, value=0.75, step=0.01, title=lname, height=40, width=100, max_width=90, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"{lname}_slider", ), ) UI["color_column"].children[-1].on_change( "value", bind_cb_obj(UI["color_column"].children[-1], layer_slider_cb), )
[docs] class TileGroup: """Class to keep track of the current tile group.""" def __init__(self: TileGroup) -> None: """Initialise the tile group.""" = 1
[docs] def get_grp(self: TileGroup) -> int: """Get the current tile group.""" = + 1 return
[docs] class ColorCycler: """Class to cycle through a list of colors.""" def __init__(self: ColorCycler, colors: list[str] | None = None) -> None: """Initialise the color cycler.""" if colors is None: colors = ["red", "blue", "lime", "yellow", "cyan", "magenta", "orange"] self.colors = colors self.index = -1
[docs] def get_next(self: ColorCycler) -> str: """Get the next color in the list.""" self.index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.colors) return self.colors[self.index]
[docs] def get_random(self: ColorCycler) -> str: """Get a random color from the list.""" return str(rng.choice(self.colors))
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_random() -> str: """Generate a new random color.""" return rgb2hex(rng.choice(256, 3) / 255)
[docs] def change_tiles(layer_name: str = "overlay") -> None: """Update tilesources. If a layer is updated/added, will update the tilesource to ensure that the new layer is displayed. """ grp = tg.get_grp() if layer_name == "graph" and layer_name not in UI["vstate"].layer_dict: return ts = make_ts( f"http://{host}:{port}/tileserver/layer/{layer_name}/{UI['user']}/" f"zoomify/TileGroup{grp}" r"/{z}-{x}-{y}" f"@{UI['vstate'].res}x.jpg", UI["vstate"].num_zoom_levels, ) if layer_name in UI["vstate"].layer_dict: UI["p"].renderers[UI["vstate"].layer_dict[layer_name]].tile_source = ts else: UI["p"].add_tile( ts, smoothing=True, alpha=UI["overlay_alpha"].value, level="image", render_parents=False, ) for layer_key in UI["vstate"].layer_dict: if layer_key in ["rect", "pts", "nodes", "edges"]: continue grp = tg.get_grp() ts = make_ts( f"http://{host}:{port}/tileserver/layer/{layer_key}/{UI['user']}/" f"zoomify/TileGroup{grp}" r"/{z}-{x}-{y}" f"@{UI['vstate'].res}x.jpg", UI["vstate"].num_zoom_levels, ) UI["p"].renderers[UI["vstate"].layer_dict[layer_key]].tile_source = ts UI["vstate"].layer_dict[layer_name] = len(UI["p"].renderers) - 1"current layers: %s", UI["vstate"].layer_dict)
[docs] class ViewerState: """Class to keep track of the current state of the viewer.""" def __init__(self: ViewerState, slide_path: str | Path) -> None: """Initialise the viewer state.""" self.wsi = self.slide_path = slide_path self.mpp = if self.mpp is None: self.mpp = [1, 1] self.dims = self.mapper = {} self.colors = list(self.mapper.values()) self.cprop = None self.init_z = None self.types = list(self.mapper.keys()) self.layer_dict = {"slide": 0, "rect": 1, "pts": 2} self.update_state = 0 self.thickness = -1 self.model_mpp = 0 self.init = True self.micron_formatter = FuncTickFormatter( args={"mpp": 0.1}, code=""" return Math.round(tick*mpp) """, ) self.current_model = "hovernet" self.props = [] self.props_old = [] self.to_update = set() self.graph = [] self.res = 2 self.is_categorical = True def __setattr__( self: ViewerState, __name: str, __value: Any, # noqa: ANN401 ) -> None: """Set an attribute of the viewer state.""" if __name == "types": self.__dict__["mapper"] = make_color_dict(__value) self.__dict__["colors"] = list(self.mapper.values()) if self.cprop == "type": update_mapper() # We will standardise the types to strings, keep dict of originals self.__dict__["orig_types"] = {str(x): x for x in __value} __value = [str(x) for x in __value] if __name == "wsi": z = ZoomifyGenerator(__value, tile_size=256) self.__dict__["num_zoom_levels"] = z.level_count self.__dict__[__name] = __value
# endregion # Define UI callbacks # region
[docs] def res_switch_cb(attr: str, old: int, new: int) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to switch between resolutions.""" if new == 0: UI["vstate"].res = 1 else: UI["vstate"].res = 2 UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay", "slide"])
[docs] def slide_toggle_cb(attr: str) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to toggle the slide on/off.""" if UI["p"].renderers[0].alpha == 0: UI["p"].renderers[0].alpha = UI["slide_alpha"].value else: UI["p"].renderers[0].alpha = 0.0
[docs] def node_select_cb(attr: str, old: int, new: int) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Placeholder callback to do something on node selection."""
# Do something on node select if desired
[docs] def overlay_toggle_cb(attr: str) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to toggle the overlay on/off.""" for i in range(5, len(UI["p"].renderers)): if UI["p"].renderers[i].alpha == 0: UI["p"].renderers[i].alpha = UI["overlay_alpha"].value else: UI["p"].renderers[i].alpha = 0.0
[docs] def populate_layer_list(slide_name: str, overlay_path: Path) -> None: """Populate the layer list with the available overlays.""" file_list = [] for ext in [ "*.db", "*.dat", "*.geojson", "*.png", "*.jpg", "*.json", "*.tiff", ]: file_list.extend(list(overlay_path.glob(str(Path("*") / ext)))) file_list.extend(list(overlay_path.glob(ext))) file_list = [(str(p), str(p)) for p in sorted(file_list) if slide_name in str(p)] UI["layer_drop"].menu = file_list
[docs] def populate_slide_list(slide_folder: Path, search_txt: str | None = None) -> None: """Populate the slide list with the available slides.""" file_list = [] len_slidepath = len( for ext in ["*.svs", "*ndpi", "*.tiff", "*.mrxs", "*.jpg", "*.png", "*.tif"]: file_list.extend(list(Path(slide_folder).glob(str(Path("*") / ext)))) file_list.extend(list(Path(slide_folder).glob(ext))) if search_txt is None: file_list = [ (str(Path(*[len_slidepath:])), str(Path(*[len_slidepath:]))) for p in sorted(file_list) ] else: file_list = [ (str(Path(*[len_slidepath:])), str(Path(*[len_slidepath:]))) for p in sorted(file_list) if search_txt in str(p) ] UI["slide_select"].options = file_list
[docs] def filter_input_cb(attr: str, old: str, new: str) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Change predicate to be used to filter annotations.""" build_predicate() UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"])
[docs] def cprop_input_cb(attr: str, old: str, new: list[str]) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Change property to color by.""" if len(new) == 0: return cmap = get_mapper_for_prop(new[0]) UI["vstate"].cprop = new[0] update_renderer("mapper", cmap) UI["s"].put( f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/color_prop", data={"prop": json.dumps(new[0])}, ) UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"])
[docs] def slide_alpha_cb(attr: str, old: float, new: float) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to change the alpha of the slide.""" UI["p"].renderers[0].alpha = new
[docs] def overlay_alpha_cb(attr: str, old: float, new: float) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to change the alpha of all overlay layers.""" for i in range(5, len(UI["p"].renderers)): UI["p"].renderers[i].alpha = new
[docs] def pt_size_cb(attr: str, old: float, new: float) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to change the size of the points.""" UI["vstate"].graph_node.radius = 2 * new
[docs] def edge_size_cb(attr: str, old: float, new: float) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to change the size of the edges.""" update_renderer("edge_thickness", new) UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"])
[docs] def opt_buttons_cb(attr: str, old: list[int], new: list[int]) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to handle options changes in the ui widget.""" old_thickness = UI["vstate"].thickness if FILLED in new: UI["vstate"].thickness = -1 update_renderer("thickness", -1) else: UI["vstate"].thickness = 1 update_renderer("thickness", 1) if old_thickness != UI["vstate"].thickness: UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"]) if MICRON_FORMATTER in new: UI["p"].xaxis[0].formatter = UI["vstate"].micron_formatter UI["p"].yaxis[0].formatter = UI["vstate"].micron_formatter else: UI["p"].xaxis[0].formatter = BasicTickFormatter() UI["p"].yaxis[0].formatter = BasicTickFormatter() if GRIDLINES in new: UI["p"].ygrid.grid_line_color = "gray" UI["p"].xgrid.grid_line_color = "gray" UI["p"].ygrid.grid_line_alpha = 0.6 UI["p"].xgrid.grid_line_alpha = 0.6 else: UI["p"].ygrid.grid_line_alpha = 0 UI["p"].xgrid.grid_line_alpha = 0
[docs] def cmap_select_cb(attr: str, old: str, new: str) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to change the color map.""" if not (UI["vstate"].is_categorical and new != "dict"): update_renderer("mapper", new) UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"])
[docs] def blur_spinner_cb(attr: str, old: float, new: float) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to change the blur radius.""" update_renderer("blur_radius", new) UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"])
[docs] def scale_spinner_cb(attr: str, old: float, new: float) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to change the max scale. This defines a scale above which small annotations are no longer diplayed. """ update_renderer("max_scale", new) UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"])
[docs] def slide_select_cb(attr: str, old: str, new: str) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Set up the newly chosen slide.""" if len(new) == 0: return slide_path = Path(doc_config["slide_folder"]) / Path(new[0]) # Reset the data sources for glyph overlays UI["pt_source"].data = {"x": [], "y": []} UI["box_source"].data = {"x": [], "y": [], "width": [], "height": []} UI["node_source"].data = {"x_": [], "y_": [], "node_color_": []} UI["edge_source"].data = {"x0_": [], "y0_": [], "x1_": [], "y1_": []} UI["hover"].tooltips = None if len(UI["p"].renderers) > N_PERMANENT_RENDERERS: for r in UI["p"].renderers[N_PERMANENT_RENDERERS:].copy(): UI["p"].renderers.remove(r) UI["vstate"].layer_dict = {"slide": 0, "rect": 1, "pts": 2, "nodes": 3, "edges": 4} UI["vstate"].slide_path = slide_path UI["color_column"].children = [] UI["type_column"].children = [] logger.warning("loading %s", slide_path, stacklevel=2) populate_layer_list(slide_path.stem, doc_config["overlay_folder"]) UI["vstate"].wsi = initialise_slide() fname = make_safe_name(str(slide_path)) UI["s"].put(f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/slide", data={"slide_path": fname}) change_tiles("slide") # Load the overlay and graph automatically if set in config if doc_config["auto_load"]: for f in UI["layer_drop"].menu: dummy_attr = DummyAttr(f[0]) layer_drop_cb(dummy_attr)
[docs] def handle_graph_layer(attr: MenuItemClick) -> None: # skipcq: PY-R1000 """Handle adding a graph layer.""" do_feats = False with Path(attr.item).open("rb") as f: graph_dict = json.load(f) # Convert the values to numpy arrays for k, v in graph_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, list): graph_dict[k] = np.array(v) node_cm = colormaps["viridis"] num_nodes = graph_dict["coordinates"].shape[0] if "score" in graph_dict: UI["node_source"].data = { "x_": graph_dict["coordinates"][:, 0], "y_": -graph_dict["coordinates"][:, 1], "node_color_": [rgb2hex(node_cm(to_num(v))) for v in graph_dict["score"]], } else: # Default to green UI["node_source"].data = { "x_": graph_dict["coordinates"][:, 0], "y_": -graph_dict["coordinates"][:, 1], "node_color_": [rgb2hex((0, 1, 0))] * num_nodes, } UI["edge_source"].data = { "x0_": [ graph_dict["coordinates"][i, 0] for i in graph_dict["edge_index"][0, :] ], "y0_": [ -graph_dict["coordinates"][i, 1] for i in graph_dict["edge_index"][0, :] ], "x1_": [ graph_dict["coordinates"][i, 0] for i in graph_dict["edge_index"][1, :] ], "y1_": [ -graph_dict["coordinates"][i, 1] for i in graph_dict["edge_index"][1, :] ], } add_layer("edges") add_layer("nodes") change_tiles("graph") if "graph_overlay" not in UI["type_cmap_select"].options: UI["type_cmap_select"].options = [ *UI["type_cmap_select"].options, "graph_overlay", ] # Add additional data to graph datasource for key in graph_dict: if key == "feat_names": graph_feat_names = graph_dict[key] do_feats = True elif ( key not in ["edge_index", "coordinates"] and hasattr(graph_dict[key], "__len__") and len(graph_dict[key]) == num_nodes ): # Valid form to add to node data UI["node_source"].data[key] = graph_dict[key] if do_feats: # Set up the node hover tooltips to show feats for i in range(min(graph_dict["feats"].shape[1], MAX_FEATS)): # Too many won't really fit in hover tool, ignore rest UI["node_source"].data[graph_feat_names[i]] = graph_dict["feats"][:, i] tooltips = [ ("Index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x, $y)"), ] tooltips.extend( [ (graph_feat_names[i], f"@{graph_feat_names[i]}") for i in range(np.minimum(graph_dict["feats"].shape[1], 9)) ], ) UI["hover"].tooltips = tooltips
[docs] def update_ui_on_new_annotations(ann_types: list[str]) -> None: """Update the UI when new annotations are added.""" UI["vstate"].types = ann_types props = UI["s"].get(f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/prop_names/all") UI["vstate"].props = json.loads(props.text) # Update the color type by prop menu UI["type_cmap_select"].options = list(UI["vstate"].types) if len(UI["node_source"].data["x_"]) > 0: UI["type_cmap_select"].options.append("graph_overlay") # Update the color type by prop menu UI["type_cmap_select"].options = list(UI["vstate"].types) if len(UI["node_source"].data["x_"]) > 0: UI["type_cmap_select"].options.append("graph_overlay") UI["cprop_input"].options = UI["vstate"].props UI["cprop_input"].options.append("None") if UI["vstate"].props != UI["vstate"].props_old: # If color by prop no longer exists, reset to type if ( len(UI["cprop_input"].value) == 0 or UI["cprop_input"].value[0] not in UI["vstate"].props ): UI["cprop_input"].value = ["type"] UI["vstate"].props_old = UI["vstate"].props cmap = get_mapper_for_prop(UI["cprop_input"].value[0]) update_renderer("mapper", cmap) initialise_overlay() change_tiles("overlay")
[docs] def layer_drop_cb(attr: MenuItemClick) -> None: """Set up the newly chosen overlay.""" if Path(attr.item).suffix == ".json": # It's a graph handle_graph_layer(attr) return # Otherwise it's a tile-based overlay of some form fname = make_safe_name(attr.item) resp = UI["s"].put( f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/overlay", data={"overlay_path": fname}, ) resp = json.loads(resp.text) if Path(attr.item).suffix in [".db", ".dat", ".geojson"]: update_ui_on_new_annotations(resp) else: add_layer(resp) change_tiles(resp)
[docs] def layer_select_cb(attr: ButtonClick) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to handle toggling specific annotation types on and off.""" build_predicate() UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"])
[docs] def fixed_layer_select_cb(obj: Button, attr: ButtonClick) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to handle toggling non-annotation layers on and off.""" key = UI["vstate"].layer_dict[obj.label] if obj.label == "edges": if not UI["p"].renderers[key].visible: UI["p"].renderers[key].visible = True else: UI["p"].renderers[key].visible = False elif obj.label == "nodes": if UI["p"].renderers[key].glyph.fill_alpha == 0: UI["p"].renderers[key].glyph.fill_alpha = UI["overlay_alpha"].value UI["p"].renderers[key].glyph.line_alpha = UI["overlay_alpha"].value else: UI["p"].renderers[key].glyph.fill_alpha = 0.0 UI["p"].renderers[key].glyph.line_alpha = 0.0 elif UI["p"].renderers[key].alpha == 0: UI["p"].renderers[key].alpha = float( else: = str(UI["p"].renderers[key].alpha) # save old alpha UI["p"].renderers[key].alpha = 0.0
[docs] def layer_slider_cb( obj: Slider, attr: str, # noqa: ARG001 old: float, # noqa: ARG001 new: float, ) -> None: """Callback to handle changing the alpha of a layer.""" if"_")[0] == "nodes": set_alpha_glyph( UI["p"].renderers[UI["vstate"].layer_dict["_")[0]]].glyph, new, ) elif"_")[0] == "edges": UI["p"].renderers[ UI["vstate"].layer_dict["_")[0]] ].glyph.line_alpha = new else: UI["p"].renderers[UI["vstate"].layer_dict["_")[0]]].alpha = new
[docs] def color_input_cb( obj: ColorPicker, attr: str, # noqa: ARG001 old: str, # noqa: ARG001 new: str, ) -> None: """Callback to handle changing the color of an annotation type.""" UI["vstate"].mapper[UI["vstate"].orig_types[]] = (*hex2rgb(new), 1) if UI["vstate"].cprop == "type": update_renderer("mapper", UI["vstate"].mapper) UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"])
[docs] def bind_cb_obj(cb_obj: Model, cb: Callable[[Model, str, Any, Any], None]) -> Callable: """Wrapper to bind a callback to a bokeh object.""" def wrapped(attr: str, old: Any, new: Any) -> None: # noqa: ANN401 """Wrapper function.""" cb(cb_obj, attr, old, new) return wrapped
[docs] def bind_cb_obj_tog(cb_obj: Model, cb: Callable[[Model, Any], None]) -> Callable: """Wrapper to bind a callback to a bokeh toggle object.""" def wrapped(attr: ButtonClick) -> None: """Wrapper function.""" cb(cb_obj, attr) return wrapped
[docs] def model_drop_cb(attr: str, old: str, new: str) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to handle model selection.""" UI["vstate"].current_model = new
[docs] def to_model_cb(attr: ButtonClick) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to run currently selected model.""" if UI["vstate"].current_model == "hovernet": segment_on_box() # Add any other models here else: # pragma: no cover logger.warning("unknown model")
[docs] def type_cmap_cb(attr: str, old: list[str], new: list[str]) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to handle changing a type-specific color property.""" if len(new) == 0: # Remove type-specific coloring UI["type_cmap_select"].options = [*UI["vstate"].types, "graph_overlay"] UI["s"].put( f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/secondary_cmap", data={ "type_id": json.dumps("None"), "prop": "None", "cmap": json.dumps("viridis"), }, ) UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"]) return if len(new) == 1: # Find out what still has to be selected if new[0] in [*UI["vstate"].types, "graph_overlay"]: if new[0] == "graph_overlay": UI["type_cmap_select"].options = [ key for key in UI["node_source"].data if key not in ["x_", "y_", "node_color_"] ] + [new[0]] else: UI["type_cmap_select"].options = [*UI["vstate"].props, new[0]] else: UI["type_cmap_select"].options = [ *UI["vstate"].types, new[0], "graph_overlay", ] else: # Both are selected, update the renderer if new[1] in UI["vstate"].types: # Make sure the type is the first one UI["type_cmap_select"].value = [new[1], new[0]] return if new[0] == "graph_overlay": # Adjust the node color in source if prop exists if new[1] in UI["node_source"].data: node_cm = colormaps["viridis"] UI["node_source"].data["node_color_"] = [ rgb2hex(node_cm(to_num(v))) for v in UI["node_source"].data[new[1]] ] return cmap = get_mapper_for_prop(new[1]) # separate cmap select ? UI["s"].put( f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/secondary_cmap", data={ "type_id": json.dumps(UI["vstate"].orig_types.get(new[0], new[0])), "prop": new[1], "cmap": json.dumps(cmap), }, ) UI["color_bar"].color_mapper.palette = make_color_seq_from_cmap( colormaps["viridis"], ) UI["color_bar"].visible = True UI["vstate"].update_state = 1 UI["vstate"].to_update.update(["overlay"])
[docs] def save_cb(attr: ButtonClick) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to handle saving annotations.""" save_path = make_safe_name( str( doc_config["overlay_folder"] / (UI["vstate"].slide_path.stem + "_saved_anns.db"), ), ) UI["s"].post( f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/commit", data={"save_path": save_path}, )
[docs] def tap_event_cb(event: DoubleTap) -> None: """Callback to handle double tap events to inspect annotations.""" resp = UI["s"].get(f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/tap_query/{event.x}/{-event.y}") data_dict = json.loads(resp.text) = { "property": list(data_dict.keys()), "value": list(data_dict.values()), }
[docs] def segment_on_box() -> None: """Callback to run hovernet on a region of the slide. Will run NucleusInstanceSegmentor on selected region of wsi defined by the box in box_source. """ # Make a mask defining the box thumb = UI["vstate"].wsi.slide_thumbnail() conv_mpp = UI["vstate"].dims[0] / thumb.shape[1] msg = f'box tl: {UI["box_source"].data["x"][0]}, {UI["box_source"].data["y"][0]}' x = round( (UI["box_source"].data["x"][0] - 0.5 * UI["box_source"].data["width"][0]) / conv_mpp, ) y = -round( (UI["box_source"].data["y"][0] + 0.5 * UI["box_source"].data["height"][0]) / conv_mpp, ) width = round(UI["box_source"].data["width"][0] / conv_mpp) height = round(UI["box_source"].data["height"][0] / conv_mpp) mask = np.zeros((thumb.shape[0], thumb.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8) mask[y : y + height, x : x + width] = 1 inst_segmentor = NucleusInstanceSegmentor( pretrained_model="hovernet_fast-pannuke", num_loader_workers=4, num_postproc_workers=8, batch_size=24, ) tmp_save_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) tmp_mask_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) Image.fromarray(mask).save(tmp_mask_dir / "mask.png") # Run hovernet inside the box UI["vstate"].model_mpp = inst_segmentor.ioconfig.save_resolution["resolution"] inst_segmentor.predict( [UI["vstate"].slide_path], [tmp_mask_dir / "mask.png"], save_dir=tmp_save_dir / "hover_out", mode="wsi", on_gpu=torch.cuda.is_available(), crash_on_exception=True, ) fname = make_safe_name(tmp_save_dir / "hover_out" / "0.dat") resp = UI["s"].put( f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/annotations", data={"file_path": fname, "model_mpp": json.dumps(UI["vstate"].model_mpp)}, ) ann_types = json.loads(resp.text) update_ui_on_new_annotations(ann_types) # Clean up temp files rmtree(tmp_save_dir) rmtree(tmp_mask_dir)
# endregion # Set up main window slide_wins = row( children=[], name="slide_windows", sizing_mode="stretch_both", ) # and the controls control_tabs = Tabs(tabs=[], name="ui_layout") # Slide info div slide_info = Div( text="", name="description", width=800, height=200, sizing_mode="stretch_width", )
[docs] def gather_ui_elements( # noqa: PLR0915 vstate: ViewerState, win_num: int, ) -> tuple[Column, Column, dict]: """Gather all the ui elements into a dict. Defines and gathers the main UI elements for a window, excluding any elements that have been deactivated in the config file. Args: vstate: the ViewerState object for the window win_num: the window number (0 or 1) Returns: A tuple containing the layouts for the main and extra options tabs of the UI, and a dict containing all the UI elements for ease of acess. """ # Define all the various widgets res_switch = RadioButtonGroup(labels=["1x", "2x"], active=1, name=f"res{win_num}") slide_alpha = Slider( title="Slide Alpha", start=0, end=1, step=0.05, value=1.0, width=200, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"slide_alpha{win_num}", ) overlay_alpha = Slider( title="Overlay Alpha", start=0, end=1, step=0.05, value=0.75, width=200, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"overlay_alpha{win_num}", ) edge_size_spinner = Spinner( title="Edge thickness:", low=0, high=10, step=1, value=1, width=60, height=50, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"edge_size{win_num}", ) pt_size_spinner = Spinner( title="Pt. Size:", low=0, high=20, step=1, value=4, width=60, height=50, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"pt_size{win_num}", ) slide_toggle = Toggle( label="Slide", active=True, button_type="success", width=90, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"slide_toggle{win_num}", ) overlay_toggle = Toggle( label="Overlay", active=True, button_type="success", width=90, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"overlay_toggle{win_num}", ) filter_tooltip = Tooltip( content=HTML( """Enter a filter string that is a valid string for AnnotationStore 'where' argument. It will be used to filter the annotations displayed. <br>E.g: props['prob']>0.5 """, ), position="right", css_classes=["help_tt"], stylesheets=[help_ss], ) filter_input = TextInput( value="None", title="Filter:", sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"filter{win_num}", description=filter_tooltip, ) cprop_tooltip = Tooltip( content="Choose a property to color annotations by", position="right", ) cprop_input = MultiChoice( title="color by:", max_items=1, options=[get_from_config(["default_cprop"], "type")], value=[get_from_config(["default_cprop"], "type")], search_option_limit=5000, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"cprop{win_num}", description=cprop_tooltip, ) slide_tt = Tooltip( content=HTML( """Select a slide. Overlays whose filenames contain the slide stem will be available below.""", ), position="right", css_classes=["help_tt"], stylesheets=[help_ss], ) slide_select = MultiChoice( title="Select Slide:", max_items=1, options=[get_from_config(["first_slide"], "*")], value=[get_from_config(["first_slide"], "*")], search_option_limit=5000, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"slide_select{win_num}", description=slide_tt, ) cmmenu = [ ("jet", "jet"), ("coolwarm", "coolwarm"), ("viridis", "viridis"), ("dict", "dict"), ] cmap_tooltip = Tooltip( content=HTML( """Choose a colormap. If the property being colored by is categorical, dict should be used.""", ), position="right", css_classes=["help_tt"], stylesheets=[help_ss], ) cmap_select = Select( title="Cmap", options=cmmenu, width=60, value=get_from_config(["UI_settings", "mapper"], "coolwarm"), height=45, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"cmap{win_num}", description=cmap_tooltip, ) blur_spinner = Spinner( title="Blur:", low=0, high=20, step=1, value=get_from_config(["UI_settings", "blur_radius"], 0), width=60, height=50, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"blur{win_num}", ) scale_tt = Tooltip( content=HTML( """Controls scale at which small annotations are no longer shown. Smaller values -> small objects will only appear when zoomed in.""", ), position="right", css_classes=["help_tt"], stylesheets=[help_ss], ) scale_spinner = Spinner( title="max scale:", low=0, high=540, step=8, value=get_from_config(["UI_settings", "max_scale"], 16), width=60, height=50, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"scale{win_num}", description=scale_tt, ) to_model_button = Button( label="Run", button_type="success", width=80, max_width=90, height=35, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"to_model{win_num}", ) model_tt = Tooltip( content=HTML("""Must select a region before running model"""), position="right", css_classes=["help_tt"], stylesheets=[help_ss], ) model_drop = Select( title="choose model:", options=["hovernet"], height=25, width=120, max_width=120, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"model_drop{win_num}", description=model_tt, ) save_button = Button( label="Save", button_type="success", max_width=90, width=80, height=35, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"save_button{win_num}", ) type_cprop_tt = Tooltip( content=HTML( """Select a type of object, and a property to color by. Objects of selected type will be colored by the selected property. This will override the global 'color by' property for that type.""", ), position="right", css_classes=["help_tt"], stylesheets=[help_ss], ) type_cmap_select = MultiChoice( title="color type by property:", max_items=2, options=["*"], search_option_limit=5000, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"type_cmap{win_num}", description=type_cprop_tt, ) layer_boxes = [ Toggle( label=t, active=True, width=100, max_width=100, sizing_mode="stretch_width", ) for t in vstate.types ] lcolors = [ ColorPicker(color=col[0:3], width=60, max_width=60, sizing_mode="stretch_width") for col in vstate.colors ] layer_drop = Dropdown( label="Add Overlay", button_type="warning", menu=[None], sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"layer_drop{win_num}", ) opt_buttons = CheckboxButtonGroup( labels=["Filled", "Microns", "Grid"], active=[0], sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"opt_buttons{win_num}", ) # Associate callback functions to the widgets slide_alpha.on_change("value", slide_alpha_cb) overlay_alpha.on_change("value", overlay_alpha_cb) res_switch.on_change("active", res_switch_cb) pt_size_spinner.on_change("value", pt_size_cb) edge_size_spinner.on_change("value", edge_size_cb) slide_select.on_change("value", slide_select_cb) save_button.on_click(save_cb) cmap_select.on_change("value", cmap_select_cb) blur_spinner.on_change("value", blur_spinner_cb) scale_spinner.on_change("value", scale_spinner_cb) to_model_button.on_click(to_model_cb) model_drop.on_change("value", model_drop_cb) layer_drop.on_click(layer_drop_cb) opt_buttons.on_change("active", opt_buttons_cb) slide_toggle.on_click(slide_toggle_cb) overlay_toggle.on_click(overlay_toggle_cb) filter_input.on_change("value", filter_input_cb) cprop_input.on_change("value", cprop_input_cb) type_cmap_select.on_change("value", type_cmap_cb) # Create some layouts type_column = column(children=layer_boxes, name=f"type_column{win_num}") color_column = column( children=lcolors, sizing_mode="stretch_width", name=f"color_column{win_num}", ) slide_row = row([slide_toggle, slide_alpha], sizing_mode="stretch_width") overlay_row = row([overlay_toggle, overlay_alpha], sizing_mode="stretch_width") cmap_row = row( [cmap_select, scale_spinner, blur_spinner], sizing_mode="stretch_width", ) model_row = row( [to_model_button, save_button, model_drop], sizing_mode="stretch_width", ) type_select_row = row( children=[type_column, color_column], sizing_mode="stretch_width", ) # Make element dictionaries ui_elements_1 = dict( zip( [ "slide_select", "layer_drop", "slide_row", "overlay_row", "filter_input", "cprop_input", "cmap_row", "type_cmap_select", "model_row", "type_select_row", ], [ slide_select, layer_drop, slide_row, overlay_row, filter_input, cprop_input, cmap_row, type_cmap_select, model_row, type_select_row, ], ), ) if "ui_elements_1" in doc_config: # Only add the elements specified in config file ui_layout = column( [ ui_elements_1[el] for el in doc_config["ui_elements_1"] if doc_config["ui_elements_1"][el] == 1 ], sizing_mode="stretch_width", ) else: ui_layout = column( list(ui_elements_1.values()), sizing_mode="stretch_width", ) # Elements in the secondary controls tab ui_elements_2 = dict( zip( [ "opt_buttons", "pt_size_spinner", "edge_size_spinner", "res_switch", ], [ opt_buttons, pt_size_spinner, edge_size_spinner, res_switch, ], ), ) if "ui_elements_2" in doc_config: # Only add the elements specified in config file extra_options = column( [ ui_elements_2[el] for el in doc_config["ui_elements_2"] if doc_config["ui_elements_2"][el] == 1 ], ) else: extra_options = column( list(ui_elements_2.values()), ) # Put everything together elements_dict = { **ui_elements_1, **ui_elements_2, "color_column": color_column, "type_column": type_column, "overlay_alpha": overlay_alpha, "cmap_select": cmap_select, "slide_alpha": slide_alpha, } return ui_layout, extra_options, elements_dict
[docs] def make_window(vstate: ViewerState) -> dict: # noqa: PLR0915 """Make a new window for a slide. Creates a new window for the slide, including all the UI elements and the main viewing window. Args: vstate: the ViewerState object for the window Returns: A dict containing the UI elements and other elements associated with the window that we may need to reference, for ease of access. """ win_num = str(len(windows)) if len(windows) == 1: slide_wins.children[0].width = 800 p = figure( x_range=slide_wins.children[0].x_range, y_range=slide_wins.children[0].y_range, x_axis_type="linear", y_axis_type="linear", width=800, height=1000, tools=tool_str, active_scroll="wheel_zoom", output_backend="webgl", hidpi=True, match_aspect=False, lod_factor=200000, sizing_mode="stretch_both", name=f"slide_window{win_num}", ) init_z = first_z[0] else: p = figure( x_range=(0, vstate.dims[0]), y_range=(0, vstate.dims[1]), x_axis_type="linear", y_axis_type="linear", width=1700, height=1000, tools=tool_str, active_scroll="wheel_zoom", output_backend="webgl", hidpi=True, match_aspect=False, lod_factor=200000, sizing_mode="stretch_both", name=f"slide_window{win_num}", ) init_z = get_level_by_extent((0, p.y_range.start, p.x_range.end, 0)) first_z[0] = init_z p.axis.visible = False[1].zoom_on_axis = False # Tap query popup callbacks js_popup_code = """ var popupContent = document.querySelector('.popup-content'); if (popupContent.classList.contains('hidden')) { popupContent.classList.remove('hidden'); } """ p.on_event(DoubleTap, tap_event_cb) p.js_on_event(DoubleTap, CustomJS(code=js_popup_code)) # Set up a session for communicating with tile server s = requests.Session() retries = Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=0.1, ) s.mount("http://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) resp = s.get(f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/session_id") user = resp.cookies.get("session_id") if curdoc().session_context: curdoc().session_context.request.arguments["user"] = user # Set up the main slide window vstate.init_z = init_z ts1 = make_ts( f"http://{host}:{port}/tileserver/layer/slide/{user}/zoomify/TileGroup1" r"/{z}-{x}-{y}" f"@{vstate.res}x.jpg", vstate.num_zoom_levels, ) p.add_tile(ts1, smoothing=True, level="image", render_parents=True) p.grid.grid_line_color = None box_source = ColumnDataSource({"x": [], "y": [], "width": [], "height": []}) pt_source = ColumnDataSource({"x": [], "y": []}) r = p.rect("x", "y", "width", "height", source=box_source, fill_alpha=0) c = "x", "y", source=pt_source, color="red", radius=3, radius_units="screen", ) p.add_tools(BoxEditTool(renderers=[r], num_objects=1)) p.add_tools(PointDrawTool(renderers=[c])) p.add_tools(TapTool()) if get_from_config(["opts", "hover_on"], 0) == 0: p.toolbar.active_inspect = None p.renderers[0].tile_source.max_zoom = 10 # Add graph stuff node_source = ColumnDataSource({"x_": [], "y_": [], "node_color_": []}) edge_source = ColumnDataSource({"x0_": [], "y0_": [], "x1_": [], "y1_": []}) vstate.graph_node = Circle( x="x_", y="y_", fill_color="node_color_", radius=3, radius_units="screen", ) vstate.graph_edge = Segment(x0="x0_", y0="y0_", x1="x1_", y1="y1_") p.add_glyph(node_source, vstate.graph_node) node_source.selected.on_change("indices", node_select_cb) if not get_from_config(["opts", "nodes_on"], default=True): p.renderers[-1].glyph.fill_alpha = 0 p.renderers[-1].glyph.line_alpha = 0 p.add_glyph(edge_source, vstate.graph_edge) if not get_from_config(["opts", "edges_on"], default=False): p.renderers[-1].visible = False vstate.layer_dict["nodes"] = len(p.renderers) - 2 vstate.layer_dict["edges"] = len(p.renderers) - 1 hover = HoverTool(renderers=[p.renderers[-2]]) p.add_tools(hover) color_bar = ColorBar( color_mapper=LinearColorMapper( make_color_seq_from_cmap(colormaps["viridis"]), ), label_standoff=12, ) if get_from_config(["opts", "colorbar_on"], 1) == 1: p.add_layout(color_bar, "below") vstate.cprop = get_from_config(["default_cprop"], "type") # Define UI elements ui_layout, extra_options, elements_dict = gather_ui_elements(vstate, win_num) if len(windows) == 0: # Setting up the first window controls.append( TabPanel( child=Tabs( tabs=[ TabPanel(child=ui_layout, title="Main"), TabPanel(child=extra_options, title="More Opts"), ], ), title="window 1", ), ) controls.append(TabPanel(child=Div(), title="window 2")) windows.append(p) else: # Setting up a dual window control_tabs.tabs[1] = TabPanel( child=Tabs( tabs=[ TabPanel(child=ui_layout, title="Main"), TabPanel(child=extra_options, title="More Opts"), ], ), title="window 2", closable=True, ) slide_wins.children.append(p) # Return a dictionary collecting all the things related to window return { **elements_dict, "p": p, "vstate": vstate, "s": s, "box_source": box_source, "pt_source": pt_source, "node_source": node_source, "edge_source": edge_source, "hover": hover, "user": user, "color_bar": color_bar, }
# Main ui containers UI = UIWrapper() windows = [] controls = [] win_dicts = [] # Popup for annotation viewing on double click popup_div = Div( width=300, height=300, name="popup_div", text="test popup", ) template_str = r"""<% if (typeof value === 'number' || !isNaN(parseFloat(value))) { %> <%= parseFloat(value).toFixed(3) %> <% } else { %> <%= value %> <% } %>""" formatter = HTMLTemplateFormatter( template=template_str, ) popup_table = DataTable( source=ColumnDataSource({"property": [], "value": []}), columns=[ TableColumn(field="property", title="Property"), TableColumn( field="value", title="Value", formatter=formatter, ), ], index_position=None, width=300, height=300, name="popup_window", ) # Some setup color_cycler = ColorCycler() tg = TileGroup() tool_str = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset,save,fullscreen" req_args = [] do_doc = False if curdoc().session_context is not None: req_args = curdoc().session_context.request.arguments do_doc = True is_deployed = False rand_id = token.generate_session_id() first_z = [1] # Set hosts and ports host = "" host2 = "" port = "5000"
[docs] def update() -> None: """Callback to ensure tiles are updated when needed.""" if UI["vstate"].update_state == DO_UPDATE: for layer in UI["vstate"].to_update: if layer in UI["vstate"].layer_dict: change_tiles(layer) UI["vstate"].update_state = NO_UPDATE UI["vstate"].to_update = set() if UI["vstate"].update_state == PENDING_UPDATE: UI["vstate"].update_state = DO_UPDATE
[docs] def control_tabs_cb(attr: str, old: int, new: int) -> None: # noqa: ARG001 """Callback to handle selecting active window.""" if new == 1 and len(slide_wins.children) == 1: # Make new window win_dicts.append(make_window(ViewerState(win_dicts[0]["vstate"].slide_path))) win_dicts[1]["vstate"].thickness = win_dicts[0]["vstate"].thickness bounds = get_view_bounds( UI["vstate"].dims, np.array([UI["p"].width, UI["p"].height]), ) = new setup_config_ui_settings(doc_config) win_dicts[0]["vstate"].init_z = get_level_by_extent( (0, bounds[2], bounds[1], 0), ) UI["vstate"].init = False else: = new slide_info.text = format_info(UI["vstate"]
[docs] def control_tabs_remove_cb( attr: str, # noqa: ARG001 old: list[int], # noqa: ARG001 new: list[int], ) -> None: """Callback to handle removing a window.""" if len(new) == 1: # Remove the second window slide_wins.children.pop() slide_wins.children[0].width = 1700 # set back to original size control_tabs.tabs.append(TabPanel(child=Div(), title="window 2")) win_dicts.pop() = 0
[docs] def setup_config_ui_settings(config: dict) -> None: """Set up the UI settings from the config file. Args: config: a dictionary of configuration options """ if "UI_settings" in config: for k in config["UI_settings"]: update_renderer(k, config["UI_settings"][k]) if "default_cprop" in config and config["default_cprop"] is not None: UI["s"].put( f"http://{host2}:5000/tileserver/color_prop", data={"prop": json.dumps(config["default_cprop"])}, ) # Open up initial slide if "default_type_cprop" in config: UI["type_cmap_select"].value = list( doc_config["default_type_cprop"].values(), ) populate_slide_list(config["slide_folder"]) UI["slide_select"].value = [str(UI["vstate"]] slide_select_cb(None, None, new=[UI["vstate"]]) populate_layer_list( Path(UI["vstate"].slide_path).stem, doc_config["overlay_folder"], )
[docs] class DocConfig: """class to configure and set up a document.""" def __init__(self: DocConfig) -> None: """Initialise the class.""" self.config = { "color_dict": {}, "initial_views": {}, "default_cprop": "type", "demo_name": "TIAvis", "base_folder": Path("/app_data"), "slide_folder": Path("/app_data").joinpath("slides"), "overlay_folder": Path("/app_data").joinpath("overlays"), } self.sys_args = None def __getitem__(self: DocConfig, key: str) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 """Get an item from the config.""" return self.config[key] def __contains__(self: DocConfig, key: str) -> bool: """Check if a key is in the config.""" return key in self.config
[docs] def set_sys_args(self: DocConfig, argv: list[str]) -> None: """Set the system arguments.""" self.sys_args = argv
def _get_config(self: DocConfig) -> None: """Get config info from config.json and/or request args.""" sys_args = self.sys_args if len(sys_args) == 2 and sys_args[1] != "None": # noqa: PLR2004 # Only base folder given base_folder = Path(sys_args[1]) if "demo" in req_args: self.config["demo_name"] = str(req_args["demo"][0], "utf-8") base_folder = base_folder.joinpath(str(req_args["demo"][0], "utf-8")) sys_args[1] = base_folder.joinpath("slides") sys_args.append(base_folder.joinpath("overlays")) slide_folder = Path(sys_args[1]) base_folder = slide_folder.parent overlay_folder = Path(sys_args[2]) # Load a color_dict and/or slide initial view windows from a json file config_file = list(overlay_folder.glob("*config.json")) config = self.config if len(config_file) > 0: config_file = config_file[0] with as f: config = json.load(f)"loaded config: %s", config) config["base_folder"] = base_folder config["slide_folder"] = slide_folder config["overlay_folder"] = overlay_folder config["demo_name"] = self.config["demo_name"] if "initial_views" not in config: config["initial_views"] = {} # Get any extra info from query url if "slide" in req_args: config["first_slide"] = str(req_args["slide"][0], "utf-8") if "window" in req_args: config["initial_views"][Path(config["first_slide"]).stem] = [ int(s) for s in str(req_args["window"][0], "utf-8")[1:-1].split(",") ] self.config = config self.config["auto_load"] = get_from_config(["auto_load"], 0) == 1
[docs] def setup_doc(self: DocConfig, base_doc: Document) -> tuple[Row, Tabs]: """Set up the document. Args: base_doc: the document to set up Returns: A tuple containing a layout of the main slide window(s), and the controls tab. """ self._get_config() # Set initial slide to first one in base folder slide_list = [] for ext in ["*.svs", "*ndpi", "*.tiff", "*.mrxs", "*.png", "*.jpg"]: slide_list.extend(list(doc_config["slide_folder"].glob(ext))) slide_list.extend( list(doc_config["slide_folder"].glob(str(Path("*") / ext))), ) first_slide_path = slide_list[0] if "first_slide" in self.config: first_slide_path = self.config["slide_folder"] / self.config["first_slide"] # Make initial window win_dicts.append(make_window(ViewerState(first_slide_path))) # Set up any initial ui settings from config file setup_config_ui_settings(self.config) UI["vstate"].init = False # Set up main window slide_wins.children = windows control_tabs.tabs = controls control_tabs.on_change("active", control_tabs_cb) control_tabs.on_change("tabs", control_tabs_remove_cb) # Add the window and controls etc. to the document base_doc.template_variables["demo_name"] = doc_config["demo_name"] base_doc.add_periodic_callback(update, 220) base_doc.add_root(slide_wins) base_doc.add_root(control_tabs) base_doc.add_root(popup_table) base_doc.add_root(slide_info) base_doc.title = "Tiatoolbox Visualization Tool" return slide_wins, control_tabs
doc_config = DocConfig() if do_doc: # Set up the document doc_config.set_sys_args(sys.argv) doc = curdoc() slide_wins, control_tabs = doc_config.setup_doc(doc)