Source code for tiatoolbox.utils.metrics

"""This module defines several metrics used in computational pathology."""

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from scipy.spatial import distance

[docs] def pair_coordinates( set_a: np.ndarray, set_b: np.ndarray, radius: float, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Find optimal unique pairing between two sets of coordinates. This function uses the Munkres or Kuhn-Munkres algorithm behind the scene to find the most optimal unique pairing when pairing points in set B against points in set A, using Euclidean distance as the cost function. Args: set_a (np.ndarray): An array of shape Nx2 contains the of XY coordinate of N different points. set_b (np.ndarray): An array of shape Mx2 contains the of XY coordinate of M different points. radius (float): Valid area around a point in set A to consider a given coordinate in set B a candidate for matching. Returns: tuple: - :class:`numpy.ndarray` - Pairing: An array of shape Kx2, each item in K contains indices where point at index [0] in set A paired with point in set B at index [1]. - :class:`numpy.ndarray` - Unpaired A: Indices of unpaired points in set A. - :class:`numpy.ndarray` - Unpaired B: Indices of unpaired points in set B. """ # * Euclidean distance as the cost matrix pair_distance = distance.cdist(set_a, set_b, metric="euclidean") # * Munkres pairing with scipy library # The algorithm return (row indices, matched column indices) if # there is multiple same cost in a row, index of first occurrence is # return, thus the unique pairing is ensured. indices_a, paired_indices_b = linear_sum_assignment(pair_distance) # Extract the paired cost and remove instances outside designated # radius. pair_cost = pair_distance[indices_a, paired_indices_b] paired_a = indices_a[pair_cost <= radius] paired_b = paired_indices_b[pair_cost <= radius] pairing = np.concatenate([paired_a[:, None], paired_b[:, None]], axis=-1) unpaired_a = np.delete(np.arange(set_a.shape[0]), paired_a) unpaired_b = np.delete(np.arange(set_b.shape[0]), paired_b) return pairing, unpaired_a, unpaired_b
[docs] def f1_detection(true: np.ndarray, pred: np.ndarray, radius: float) -> float: """Calculate the F1-score for predicted set of coordinates.""" (paired_true, unpaired_true, unpaired_pred) = pair_coordinates(true, pred, radius) tp = len(paired_true) fp = len(unpaired_pred) fn = len(unpaired_true) return tp / (tp + 0.5 * fp + 0.5 * fn)
[docs] def dice(gt_mask: np.ndarray, pred_mask: np.ndarray) -> float: r"""Compute the Sørensen-Dice coefficient. This function computes `Sørensen-Dice coefficient <>`_, between the two masks. .. math:: DSC = 2 * |X ∩ Y| / |X| + |Y| Args: gt_mask (:class:`np.ndarray`): A binary ground truth mask pred_mask (:class:`np.ndarray`): A binary predicted mask Returns: :class:`float`: An estimate of Sørensen-Dice coefficient value. """ if gt_mask.shape != pred_mask.shape: msg = f"{'Shape mismatch between the two masks.'}" raise ValueError(msg) gt_mask = gt_mask.astype(np.bool_) pred_mask = pred_mask.astype(np.bool_) sum_masks = gt_mask.sum() + pred_mask.sum() if sum_masks == 0: return np.NAN return 2 * np.logical_and(gt_mask, pred_mask).sum() / sum_masks