Source code for tiatoolbox.utils.env_detection

"""Detection methods for the current environment.

This module contains methods for detecting aspects of the current

Some things which this module can detect are:
    - Whether the current environment is interactive.
    - Whether the current environment is a conda environment.
    - Whether the current environment is running on Travis, Kaggle, or

Note that these detections may not be correct 100% of the time but are
as accurate as can be reasonably be expected depending on what is being


from __future__ import annotations

import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import threading

import torch

from tiatoolbox import logger

[docs] def has_gpu() -> bool: """Detect if the runtime has GPU. This function calls torch function underneath. To mask an environment to have no GPU, you can set "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" environment variable to empty before running the python script. Returns: bool: True if the current runtime environment has GPU, False otherwise. """ return torch.cuda.is_available()
[docs] def is_interactive() -> bool: """Detect if the current environment is interactive. This should return True for the following environments: - Python REPL (`$ python`) - IPython REPL (`$ ipython`) - Interactive Python shell (`$ python -i`) - Interactive IPython shell (`$ ipython -i`) - IPython passed a string (`$ ipython -c "print('Hello')"`) - Notebooks - Jupyter (`$ jupyter notebook`) - Google CoLab - Kaggle Notebooks - Jupyter lab (`$ jupyter lab`) - VSCode Python Interactive window (`# %%` cells) - VSCode Jupyter notebook environment - PyCharm Console This should return False for the following environments: - Python script (`$ python`) - Python passed a string (`$ python -c "print('Hello')"`) - PyCharm Run - PyCharm Run (emulate terminal) Returns: bool: True if the current environment is interactive, False otherwise. """ return hasattr(sys, "ps1")
[docs] def is_notebook() -> bool: """Detect if the current environment is a Jupyter notebook. Based on a method posted on StackOverflow: - Question at - Question by Christoph ( - Answer by Gustavo Bezerra ( Returns: bool: True if the current environment is a Jupyter notebook, False otherwise. """ try: from IPython import get_ipython shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell": return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole if shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell": return False # Terminal running IPython except (NameError, ImportError): return False # Probably standard Python interpreter else: return False # Other type (?)
[docs] def in_conda_env() -> bool: """Detect if the current environment is a conda environment. Returns: bool: True if the current environment is a conda environment, False otherwise. """ return "CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" in os.environ and "CONDA_PREFIX" in os.environ
[docs] def running_on_travis() -> bool: """Detect if the current environment is running on travis. Returns: bool: True if the current environment is on travis, False otherwise. """ return os.environ.get("TRAVIS") == "true" and os.environ.get("CI") == "true"
[docs] def running_on_github() -> bool: """Detect if the current environment is running on GitHub Actions. Returns: bool: True if the current environment is on GitHub, False otherwise. """ return os.environ.get("GITHUB_ACTIONS") == "true"
[docs] def running_on_circleci() -> bool: """Detect if the current environment is running on CircleCI. Returns: bool: True if the current environment is on CircleCI, False otherwise. """ return os.environ.get("CIRCLECI") == "true"
[docs] def running_on_ci() -> bool: """Detect if the current environment is running on continuous integration (CI). Returns: bool: True if the current environment is on CI, False otherwise. """ return any( ( os.environ.get("CI", "").lower() == "true", running_on_travis(), running_on_github(), running_on_circleci(), ), )
[docs] def running_on_kaggle() -> bool: """Detect if the current environment is running on Kaggle. Returns: bool: True if the current environment is on Kaggle, False otherwise. """ return os.environ.get("KAGGLE_KERNEL_RUN_TYPE") == "Interactive"
[docs] def running_on_colab() -> bool: """Detect if the current environment is running on Google Colab. Returns: bool: True if the current environment is on Colab, False otherwise. """ return "COLAB_GPU" in os.environ
[docs] def colab_has_gpu() -> bool: """Detect if the current environment is running on Google Colab with a GPU. Returns: bool: True if the current environment is on colab with a GPU, False otherwise. """ return bool(int(os.environ.get("COLAB_GPU", 0)))
[docs] def has_network( hostname: str = "", timeout: float = 3, ) -> bool: """Detect if the current environment has a network connection. Create a socket connection to the hostname and check if the connection is successful. Args: hostname (str): The hostname to ping. Defaults to "". timeout (float): Timeout in seconds for the fallback GET request. Returns: bool: True if the current environment has a network connection, False otherwise. """ try: # Check DNS listing host = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) # Connect to host connection = socket.create_connection((host, 80), timeout=timeout) connection.close() except (socket.gaierror, socket.timeout): return False else: return True
[docs] def check_pixman_using_anaconda(versions: list) -> tuple[list, str]: """Using anaconda to check for pixman.""" using = "conda" try: conda_list = subprocess.Popen( ("conda", "list"), # noqa: S603 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) conda_pixman = subprocess.check_output( ("grep", "pixman"), # noqa: S603 stdin=conda_list.stdout, ) conda_list.wait() except subprocess.SubprocessError: conda_pixman = b"" matches = r"^pixman\s*(\d+.\d+)*", conda_pixman.decode("utf-8"), flags=re.MULTILINE, ) if matches: versions = [version_to_tuple(] return versions, using
[docs] def check_pixman_using_dpkg(versions: list) -> tuple[list, str]: """Using dpkg to check for pixman.""" using = "dpkg" try: dkpg_output = subprocess.check_output( ["/usr/bin/dpkg", "-s", "libpixman-1-0"], # noqa: S603 ) except subprocess.SubprocessError: dkpg_output = b"" matches = r"^Version: ((?:\d+[._]+)+\d*)", dkpg_output.decode("utf-8"), flags=re.MULTILINE, ) if matches: versions = [version_to_tuple(] return versions, using
[docs] def check_pixman_using_brew(versions: list) -> tuple[list, str]: """Using homebrew to check for pixman.""" using = "brew" try: brew_list = subprocess.Popen( ("brew", "list", "--versions"), # noqa: S603 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) brew_pixman = subprocess.check_output( ("grep", "pixman"), # noqa: S603 stdin=brew_list.stdout, ) brew_list.wait() except subprocess.SubprocessError: brew_pixman = b"" matches = re.findall( r"((?:\d+[._]+)+\d*)", brew_pixman.decode("utf-8"), flags=re.MULTILINE, ) if matches: versions = [version_to_tuple(match) for match in matches] return versions, using
[docs] def check_pixman_using_macports(versions: list) -> tuple[list, str]: """Using macports to check for pixman. Also checks the platform is Darwin, as macports is only available on macOS. """ using = "port" port_list = subprocess.Popen( ("port", "installed"), # noqa: S603 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) port_pixman = subprocess.check_output( ("grep", "pixman"), # noqa: S603 stdin=port_list.stdout, ) port_list.wait() matches = re.findall( r"((?:\d+[._]+)+\d*)", port_pixman.decode("utf-8"), flags=re.MULTILINE, ) if matches: versions = [version_to_tuple(match) for match in matches] return versions, using
[docs] def pixman_versions() -> tuple[list, str | None]: """The version(s) of pixman that are installed. Some package managers (brew) may report multiple versions of pixman installed as part of a dependency tree. Returns: list of tuple of int: The versions of pixman that are installed as tuples of ints. Raises: Exception: If pixman is not installed or the version could not be determined. """ versions: list[int] = [] using = None if in_conda_env(): versions, using = check_pixman_using_anaconda(versions) if shutil.which("dpkg") and not versions: versions, using = check_pixman_using_dpkg(versions) if shutil.which("brew") and not versions: versions, using = check_pixman_using_brew(versions) if platform.system() == "Darwin" and shutil.which("port") and not versions: versions, using = check_pixman_using_macports(versions) if versions: return versions, using msg = "Unable to detect pixman version(s)." raise OSError(msg)
[docs] def version_to_tuple(match: str) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Convert a version string to a tuple of ints. Only supports versions containing integers and periods. Args: match (str): The version string to convert. Returns: tuple: The version string as a tuple of ints. """ # Check that the string only contains integers and periods if not re.match(r"^\d+([._]\d+)*$", match): msg = f"{match} is not a valid version string." raise ValueError(msg) return tuple(int(part) for part in match.split("."))
[docs] def pixman_warning() -> None: # pragma: no cover """Detect if pixman version 0.38 is being used. If so, warn the user that the pixman version may cause problems. Suggest a fix if possible. """ def _show_warning() -> None: """Show a warning message if pixman is version 0.38.""" try: versions, using = pixman_versions() except OSError: # Unable to determine the pixman version return # If the pixman version is bad, suggest some fixes fix = "" if using == "conda": fix = ( "You may be able do this with the command: " 'conda install -c conda-forge pixman">=0.39"' ) if using == "dpkg": fix = ( "To fix this you may need to do one of the following:\n" " 1. Install libpixman-1-dev from your package manager (e.g. apt).\n" " 2. Set up an anaconda environment with pixman >=0.39\n" " 3. Install pixman >=0.39 from source. " "Instructions to compile from source can be found at the GitLab " "mirror here: " "" ) if using == "brew": fix = "You may be able do this with the command: brew upgrade pixman" if using == "port": fix = "You may be able do this with the command: port upgrade pixman" # Log a warning if there is a pixman version in the range [0.38, 0.39) if any((0, 38) <= v < (0, 39) for v in versions): logger.warning( "It looks like you are using Pixman version 0.38 (via %s). " "This version is known to cause issues with OpenSlide. " "Please consider upgrading to Pixman version 0.39 or later. " "%s", using, fix, ) thread = threading.Thread(target=_show_warning, args=(), kwargs={}) thread.start()