Source code for

"""Stain normalization classes."""

from __future__ import annotations

import cv2
import numpy as np

from import (
from tiatoolbox.utils.exceptions import MethodNotSupportedError
from tiatoolbox.utils.misc import load_stain_matrix
from tiatoolbox.utils.transforms import od2rgb, rgb2od

[docs] class StainNormalizer: """Stain normalization base class. This class contains code inspired by StainTools [] written by Peter Byfield. Attributes: extractor (CustomExtractor, RuifrokExtractor): Method specific stain extractor. stain_matrix_target (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Stain matrix of target. target_concentrations (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Stain concentration matrix of target. maxC_target (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): 99th percentile of each stain. stain_matrix_target_RGB (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Target stain matrix in RGB. """ def __init__(self: StainNormalizer) -> None: """Initialize :class:`StainNormalizer`.""" self.extractor: ( CustomExtractor | MacenkoExtractor | RuifrokExtractor | VahadaneExtractor ) self.stain_matrix_target: np.ndarray self.target_concentrations: np.ndarray self.maxC_target = None self.stain_matrix_target_RGB = None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_concentrations(img: np.ndarray, stain_matrix: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate concentration matrix given an image and stain matrix. Args: img (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Input image. stain_matrix (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Stain matrix for haematoxylin and eosin stains. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Stain concentrations of input image. """ od = rgb2od(img).reshape((-1, 3)) x, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(stain_matrix.T, od.T, rcond=-1) return x.T
[docs] def fit(self: StainNormalizer, target: np.ndarray) -> None: """Fit to a target image. Args: target (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of type :class:`numpy.uint8`): Target/reference image. """ self.stain_matrix_target = self.extractor.get_stain_matrix(target) self.target_concentrations = self.get_concentrations( target, self.stain_matrix_target, ) self.maxC_target = np.percentile( self.target_concentrations, 99, axis=0, ).reshape((1, 2)) # useful to visualize. self.stain_matrix_target_RGB = od2rgb(self.stain_matrix_target)
[docs] def transform(self: StainNormalizer, img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform an image. Args: img (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of type :class:`numpy.uint8`): RGB input source image. Returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray`: RGB stain normalized image. """ stain_matrix_source = self.extractor.get_stain_matrix(img) source_concentrations = self.get_concentrations(img, stain_matrix_source) max_c_source = np.percentile(source_concentrations, 99, axis=0).reshape((1, 2)) source_concentrations *= self.maxC_target / max_c_source trans = 255 * np.exp( -1 *, self.stain_matrix_target), ) # ensure between 0 and 255 trans[trans > 255] = 255 # noqa: PLR2004 trans[trans < 0] = 0 return trans.reshape(img.shape).astype(np.uint8)
[docs] class CustomNormalizer(StainNormalizer): """Stain Normalization using a user-defined stain matrix. This class contains code inspired by StainTools [] written by Peter Byfield. Args: stain_matrix (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): User-defined stain matrix. Must be either 2x3 or 3x3. Examples: >>> from import CustomNormalizer >>> norm = CustomNormalizer(stain_matrix) >>> >>> norm_img = norm.transform(source_img) """ def __init__(self: CustomNormalizer, stain_matrix: np.ndarray) -> None: """Initialize :class:`CustomNormalizer`.""" super().__init__() self.extractor = CustomExtractor(stain_matrix)
[docs] class RuifrokNormalizer(StainNormalizer): """Ruifrok & Johnston stain normalizer. Normalize a patch to the stain appearance of the target image using the method of: Ruifrok, Arnout C., and Dennis A. Johnston. "Quantification of histochemical staining by color deconvolution." Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology 23.4 (2001): 291-299. This class contains code inspired by StainTools [] written by Peter Byfield. Examples: >>> from import RuifrokNormalizer >>> norm = RuifrokNormalizer() >>> >>> norm_img = norm.transform(source_img) """ def __init__(self: RuifrokNormalizer) -> None: """Initialize :class:`RuifrokNormalizer`.""" super().__init__() self.extractor = RuifrokExtractor()
[docs] class MacenkoNormalizer(StainNormalizer): """Macenko stain normalizer. Normalize a patch to the stain appearance of the target image using the method of: Macenko, Marc, et al. "A method for normalizing histology slides for quantitative analysis." 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro. IEEE, 2009. This class contains code inspired by StainTools [] written by Peter Byfield. Examples: >>> from import MacenkoNormalizer >>> norm = MacenkoNormalizer() >>> >>> norm_img = norm.transform(source_img) """ def __init__(self: MacenkoNormalizer) -> None: """Initialize :class:`MacenkoNormalizer`.""" super().__init__() self.extractor = MacenkoExtractor()
[docs] class VahadaneNormalizer(StainNormalizer): """Vahadane stain normalizer. Normalize a patch to the stain appearance of the target image using the method of: Vahadane, Abhishek, et al. "Structure-preserving color normalization and sparse stain separation for histological images." IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35.8 (2016): 1962-1971. This class contains code inspired by StainTools [] written by Peter Byfield. Examples: >>> from import VahadaneNormalizer >>> norm = VahadaneNormalizer() >>> >>> norm_img = norm.transform(source_img) """ def __init__(self: VahadaneNormalizer) -> None: """Initialize :class:`VahadaneNormalizer`.""" super().__init__() self.extractor = VahadaneExtractor()
[docs] class ReinhardNormalizer(StainNormalizer): """Reinhard colour normalizer. Normalize a patch colour to the target image using the method of: Reinhard, Erik, et al. "Color transfer between images." IEEE Computer graphics and applications 21.5 (2001): 34-41. This class contains code inspired by StainTools [] written by Peter Byfield. Attributes: target_means (float): Mean of each LAB channel. target_stds (float): Standard deviation of each LAB channel. Examples: >>> from import ReinhardNormalizer >>> norm = ReinhardNormalizer() >>> >>> norm_img = norm.transform(src_img) """ def __init__(self: ReinhardNormalizer) -> None: """Initialize :class:`ReinhardNormalizer`.""" super().__init__() self.target_means: tuple[float, float, float] self.target_stds: tuple[float, float, float]
[docs] def fit(self: ReinhardNormalizer, target: np.ndarray) -> None: """Fit to a target image. Args: target (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of type :class:`numpy.uint8`): Target image. """ means, stds = self.get_mean_std(target) self.target_means = means self.target_stds = stds
[docs] def transform(self: ReinhardNormalizer, img: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform an image. Args: img (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of type :class:`numpy.uint8`): Input image. Returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of type :class:`numpy.float`: Colour normalized RGB image. """ chan1, chan2, chan3 = self.lab_split(img) means, stds = self.get_mean_std(img) norm1 = ( (chan1 - means[0]) * (self.target_stds[0] / stds[0]) ) + self.target_means[0] norm2 = ( (chan2 - means[1]) * (self.target_stds[1] / stds[1]) ) + self.target_means[1] norm3 = ( (chan3 - means[2]) * (self.target_stds[2] / stds[2]) ) + self.target_means[2] return self.merge_back(norm1, norm2, norm3)
[docs] @staticmethod def lab_split(img: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Convert from RGB uint8 to LAB and split into channels. Args: img (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of type :class:`numpy.uint8`): Input image. Returns: tuple: - :py:obj:`float`: L channel in LAB colour space. - :py:obj:`float`: A channel in LAB colour space. - :py:obj:`float`: B channel in LAB colour space. """ img = img.astype("uint8") # ensure input image is uint8 img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LAB) img_float = img.astype(np.float32) chan1, chan2, chan3 = cv2.split(img_float) chan1 /= 2.55 # should now be in range [0,100] chan2 -= 128.0 # should now be in range [-127,127] chan3 -= 128.0 # should now be in range [-127,127] return chan1, chan2, chan3
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_back(chan1: float, chan2: float, chan3: float) -> np.ndarray: """Take separate LAB channels and merge back to give RGB uint8. Args: chan1 (float): L channel. chan2 (float): A channel. chan3 (float): B channel. Returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray`: Merged image. """ chan1 *= 2.55 # should now be in range [0,255] chan2 += 128.0 # should now be in range [0,255] chan3 += 128.0 # should now be in range [0,255] img = np.clip(cv2.merge((chan1, chan2, chan3)), 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_LAB2RGB)
[docs] def get_mean_std( self: ReinhardNormalizer, img: np.ndarray, ) -> tuple[tuple[float, float, float], tuple[float, float, float]]: """Get mean and standard deviation of each channel. Args: img (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of type :class:`numpy.uint8`): Input image. Returns: tuple: - :py:obj:`float` - Means: Mean values for each RGB channel. - :py:obj:`float` - Standard deviations: Standard deviation for each RGB channel. """ img = img.astype("uint8") # ensure input image is uint8 chan1, chan2, chan3 = self.lab_split(img) m1, sd1 = cv2.meanStdDev(chan1) m2, sd2 = cv2.meanStdDev(chan2) m3, sd3 = cv2.meanStdDev(chan3) means = m1, m2, m3 stds = sd1, sd2, sd3 return means, stds
[docs] def get_normalizer( method_name: str, stain_matrix: np.ndarray | None = None, ) -> StainNormalizer: """Return a :class:`.StainNormalizer` with corresponding name. Args: method_name (str): Name of stain norm method, must be one of "reinhard", "custom", "ruifrok", "macenko" or "vahadane". stain_matrix (:class:`numpy.ndarray` or str or pathlib.Path): User-defined stain matrix. This must either be a numpy array or a path to either a .csv or .npy file. This is only utilised if using "custom" method name. Returns: StainNormalizer: An object with base :class:'.StainNormalizer' as base class. Examples: >>> from import get_normalizer >>> norm = get_normalizer('Reinhard') >>> >>> norm_img = norm.transform(source_img) """ if method_name.lower() not in [ "reinhard", "ruifrok", "macenko", "vahadane", "custom", ]: raise MethodNotSupportedError if stain_matrix is not None and method_name.lower() != "custom": msg = '`stain_matrix` is only defined when using `method_name`="custom".' raise ValueError( msg, ) if method_name.lower() == "reinhard": return ReinhardNormalizer() if method_name.lower() == "ruifrok": return RuifrokNormalizer() if method_name.lower() == "macenko": return MacenkoNormalizer() if method_name.lower() == "vahadane": return VahadaneNormalizer() return CustomNormalizer(load_stain_matrix(stain_matrix))