Source code for

"""Tile pyramid generation in standard formats.

Included methods are DeepZoom and Zoomify in addition to a generic

These are generally intended for serialisation or streaming via a web
UI. The `get_tile` method returns a Pillow Image object which can be
easily serialised via the use of an io.BytesIO object or saved directly
to disk.


from __future__ import annotations

import tarfile
import time
import zipfile
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import defusedxml
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

from tiatoolbox import DuplicateFilter, logger
from tiatoolbox.utils.transforms import imresize, locsize2bounds
from tiatoolbox.utils.visualization import AnnotationRenderer, random_colors

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from import Iterator

    from tiatoolbox.annotation import AnnotationStore
    from tiatoolbox.wsicore.wsireader import WSIMeta, WSIReader


[docs] class TilePyramidGenerator: r"""Generic tile pyramid generator with sensible defaults. Args: wsi (WSIReader): The WSI reader object. Must implement `tiatoolbox.wsicore.wsi_Reader.WSIReader.read_rect`. tile_size (int): The size of tiles to generate. Default is 256. Note that the output tile size will be :math:`\text{tile size} + 2 \times\text{overlap}`. downsample (int): The downsample factor between levels. Default is 2. overlap (int): The number of extra pixel to add to each edge of the tile. Default is 0. """ def __init__( self: TilePyramidGenerator, wsi: WSIReader, tile_size: int = 256, downsample: int = 2, overlap: int = 0, ) -> None: """Initialize :class:`TilePyramidGenerator`.""" self.wsi = wsi self.tile_size = tile_size self.overlap = overlap self.downsample = downsample @property def output_tile_size(self: TilePyramidGenerator) -> int: r"""The size of the tile which will be returned. This is equivalent to :math:`\text{tile size} + 2*\text{overlay}`. """ return self.tile_size + 2 * self.overlap
[docs] def level_downsample(self: TilePyramidGenerator, level: int) -> float: """Find the downsample factor for a level.""" return 2 ** (self.level_count - level - 1)
[docs] def level_dimensions(self: TilePyramidGenerator, level: int) -> tuple[int, int]: """The total pixel dimensions of the tile pyramid at a given level. Args: level (int): The level to calculate the dimensions for. """ baseline_dims = level_dims = np.ceil( np.divide(baseline_dims, self.level_downsample(level)), ).astype(int) return tuple(level_dims)
[docs] def tile_grid_size(self: TilePyramidGenerator, level: int) -> tuple[int, int]: """Width and height of the minimal grid of tiles to cover the slide. Args: level (int): The level to calculate the grid size for. """ if level < 0 or level >= self.level_count: msg = "Invalid level." raise IndexError(msg) return tuple( np.ceil(np.divide(self.level_dimensions(level), self.tile_size)).astype( int, ), )
@property def sub_tile_level_count(self: TilePyramidGenerator) -> int: """The number of sub-tile levels in the pyramid.""" return 0 @property def level_count(self: TilePyramidGenerator) -> int: """Number of levels in the tile pyramid. The number of levels is such that level_count - 1 is a 1:1 of the slide baseline resolution (level 0 of the WSI). """ wsi_to_tile_ratio = np.divide(, self.tile_size) # Levels where a tile contains only part of the wsi super_level_count = np.ceil(np.log2(wsi_to_tile_ratio)).max() total_level_count = super_level_count + 1 + self.sub_tile_level_count return int(total_level_count)
[docs] def get_thumb_tile(self: TilePyramidGenerator) -> Image.Image: """Return a thumbnail which fits the whole slide in one tile. The thumbnail output size has the longest edge equal to the tile size. The other edge preserves the original aspect ratio. """ slide_dims = np.array( tile_dim = self.tile_size + self.overlap out_dims = np.round(slide_dims / slide_dims.max() * tile_dim).astype(int) bounds = (0, 0, *slide_dims) thumb = self.wsi.read_bounds( bounds, - 1, units="level", ) thumb = imresize(thumb, output_size=out_dims) return Image.fromarray(thumb)
[docs] def get_tile( self: TilePyramidGenerator, level: int, x: int, y: int, res: int = 1, pad_mode: str = "constant", interpolation: str = "optimise", transparent_value: int | None = None, ) -> Image.Image: """Get a tile at a given level and coordinate. Note that levels are in the reverse order of those in WSIReader. I.E. level 0 here corresponds to the lowest resolution whereas level 0 in WSIReader corresponds to the maximum resolution (baseline). Args: level (int): The pyramid level of the tile starting from 0 (the whole slide in one tile, 0-0-0). x (int): The tile index in the x direction. y (int): The tile index in the y direction. res (int): The resolution of the tile. Defaults to 1, can be set to 2 for double resolution. pad_mode (str): Method for padding when reading areas outside the input image. Default is constant (0 padding). This is passed to `read_func` which defaults to :func:`safe_padded_read`. See :func:`safe_padded_read` for supported pad modes. Setting to "none" or None will result in no padding being applied. interpolation (str): Interpolation mode to use. Defaults to optimise. Possible values are: linear, cubic, lanczos, nearest, area, optimise. Linear most closely matches OpenSlide. transparent_value (int): If provided, pixels with this value across all channels will be made transparent. Defaults to None. Returns: PIL.Image: Pillow image of the tile. Example: >>> from import TilePyramidGenerator >>> from tiatoolbox.wsicore.wsireader import WSIReader >>> wsi ="sample.svs") >>> tile_generator = TilePyramidGenerator( ... wsi=wsi, ... tile_size=256, ... ) >>> tile_0_0_0 = tile_generator.get_tile(level=0, x=0, y=0) """ if level < 0: raise IndexError if level > self.level_count: msg = "Invalid level." raise IndexError(msg) scale = self.level_downsample(level) baseline_x = (x * self.tile_size * scale) - (self.overlap * scale) baseline_y = (y * self.tile_size * scale) - (self.overlap * scale) output_size = [self.output_tile_size] * 2 coord = (int(baseline_x), int(baseline_y)) if level < self.sub_tile_level_count: output_size = self.output_tile_size // 2 ** ( self.sub_tile_level_count - level ) output_size = np.repeat(output_size, 2).astype(int) thumb = self.get_thumb_tile() thumb.thumbnail((output_size[0], output_size[1])) return thumb slide_dimensions = np.array( if all(slide_dimensions < [baseline_x, baseline_y]): raise IndexError # Don't print out multiple warnings about interpolation etc. duplicate_filter = DuplicateFilter() logger.addFilter(duplicate_filter) tile = self.wsi.read_rect( coord, size=[v * res for v in output_size], resolution=res / scale, units="baseline", pad_mode=pad_mode, interpolation=interpolation, ) logger.removeFilter(duplicate_filter) if transparent_value is not None: # Pixels with this value across all channels will be made transparent alph = 255 * np.logical_not( np.all(tile == transparent_value, axis=2), ).astype("uint8") tile = np.dstack((tile, alph)) return Image.fromarray(tile)
[docs] def tile_path(self: TilePyramidGenerator, level: int, x: int, y: int) -> Path: """Generate the path for a specified tile. Args: level (int): The pyramid level of the tile starting from 0 (the whole slide in one tile, 0-0-0). x (int): The tile index in the x direction. y (int): The tile index in the y direction. Returns: pathlib.Path: A pathlib path object with two parts. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def dump( self: TilePyramidGenerator, path: str | Path, container: str | None = None, compression: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Write all tiles to disk. Arguments: path (str or Path): The path to write the tiles to. container (str): Container to use. Defaults to None which saves to a directory. Possible values are "zip", "tar". compression (str): Compression method. Defaults to None. Possible values are None, "deflate", "gzip", "bz2", "lzma". Note that tar does not support deflate and zip does not support gzip. Examples: >>> from import TilePyramidGenerator >>> from tiatoolbox.wsicore.wsireader import WSIReader >>> wsi ="sample.svs") >>> tile_generator = TilePyramidGenerator( ... wsi=reader, ... tile_size=256, ... ) >>> tile_generator.dump( ... path="", ... container="zip", ... compression="gzip", ... ) """ path = Path(path) if container not in [None, "zip", "tar"]: msg = "Unsupported container." raise ValueError(msg) if container is None: path.mkdir(parents=False) if compression is not None: msg = "Unsupported compression for container None." raise ValueError(msg) def save_tile(tile_path: Path, tile: Image.Image) -> None: """Write the tile to the output directory.""" full_path = path / tile_path full_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) elif container == "zip": compression2enum = { None: zipfile.ZIP_STORED, "deflate": zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, "bz2": zipfile.ZIP_BZIP2, "lzma": zipfile.ZIP_LZMA, } if compression not in compression2enum: msg = "Unsupported compression for zip." raise ValueError(msg) zip_archive = zipfile.ZipFile( path, mode="w", compression=compression2enum[compression], ) def save_tile(tile_path: Path, tile: Image.Image) -> None: """Write the tile to the output tar.""" bio = BytesIO(), format="jpeg") data = zip_archive.writestr( str(tile_path), data, compress_type=compression2enum[compression], ) else: # container == "tar": compression2mode = { None: "w", "gzip": "w:gz", "bz2": "w:bz2", "lzma": "w:xz", } if compression not in compression2mode: msg = "Unsupported compression for tar." raise ValueError(msg) tar_archive =, mode=compression2mode[compression]) def save_tile(tile_path: Path, tile: Image.Image) -> None: """Write the tile to the output zip.""" bio = BytesIO(), format="jpeg") tar_info = tarfile.TarInfo(name=str(tile_path)) tar_info.mtime = int(time.time()) tar_info.size = bio.tell() tar_archive.addfile(tarinfo=tar_info, fileobj=bio) for level in range(self.level_count): for x, y in np.ndindex(self.tile_grid_size(level)): tile = self.get_tile(level=level, x=x, y=y) tile_path = self.tile_path(level, x, y) save_tile(tile_path, tile) if container == "zip": zip_archive.close() if container == "tar": tar_archive.close()
def __len__(self: TilePyramidGenerator) -> int: """Return length of instance attributes.""" return int( sum( for level in range(self.level_count) ), ) def __iter__(self: TilePyramidGenerator) -> Iterator: """Return an iterator for the given object.""" for level in range(self.level_count): for x, y in np.ndindex(self.tile_grid_size(level)): yield self.get_tile(level=level, x=x, y=y)
[docs] class ZoomifyGenerator(TilePyramidGenerator): r"""Pyramid tile generator with extra Zoomify specific methods. Zoomify splits tiles into groups of 256 (due to old file system limitations). The extra `tile_group` method here is for calculating these tile groups when generating tile paths. An old description of the Zoomify format can be found `here`_. .. _here: Args: wsi (WSIReader): The WSI reader object. Must implement `tiatoolbox.wsicore.wsi_Reader.WSIReader.read_rect`. tile_size (int): The size of tiles to generate. Default is 256. Note that the output tile size will be :math:`\text{tile size} + 2 \times\text{overlap}`. downsample (int): The downsample factor between levels. Default is 2. overlap (int): The number of extra pixel to add to each edge of the tile. Default is 0. """
[docs] def tile_group(self: ZoomifyGenerator, level: int, x: int, y: int) -> int: """Find the tile group for a tile index. Tile groups are numbered from level 0 (tile 0-0-0) and increment every 256 tiles in ZXY axis order. Args: level (int): The pyramid level of the tile starting from 0 (the whole slide in one tile, 0-0-0). x (int): The tile index in the x direction. y (int): The tile index in the y direction. Raises: IndexError: If the level, x, y tile index is out of bounds. Returns: int: The tile group for the specified tile. """ grid_size = np.array(self.tile_grid_size(level)) if any(grid_size <= [x, y]): raise IndexError cumulative_sum = sum( for n in range(level)) index_in_level = np.ravel_multi_index((y, x), self.tile_grid_size(level)[::-1]) tile_index = cumulative_sum + index_in_level return int(tile_index // 256) # the tile group
[docs] def tile_path(self: ZoomifyGenerator, level: int, x: int, y: int) -> Path: """Generate the Zoomify path for a specified tile. Args: level (int): The pyramid level of the tile starting from 0 (the whole slide in one tile, 0-0-0). x (int): The tile index in the x direction. y (int): The tile index in the y direction. Returns: pathlib.Path: A pathlib path object with two parts. """ g = self.tile_group(level, x, y) z = level return Path(f"TileGroup{g}") / f"{z}-{x}-{y}.jpg"
[docs] class AnnotationTileGenerator(ZoomifyGenerator): r"""Define AnnotationTileGenerator for rendering AnnotationStore. Tile generator using an AnnotationRenderer to render tiles showing annotations held in an AnnotationStore. Args: info (WSIMeta): An WSIMeta Object storing the metadata of the slide this generator is rendering tiles for store (AnnotationStore): An AnnotationStore Object containing annotations to be rendered for given slide renderer (AnnotationRenderer): An AnnotationRenderer Object which will render annotations belonging to a tile according to specified parameters tile_size (int): The size of tiles to generate. Default is 256. Note that the output tile size will be :math:`\text{tile size} + 2 \times\text{overlap}`. downsample (int): The downsample factor between levels. Default is 2. overlap (int): The number of extra pixel to add to each edge of the tile. Default is 0. """ def __init__( self: AnnotationTileGenerator, info: WSIMeta, store: AnnotationStore, renderer: AnnotationRenderer | None = None, tile_size: int = 256, downsample: int = 2, overlap: int = 0, ) -> None: """Initialize :class:`AnnotationTileGenerator`.""" super().__init__(None, tile_size, downsample, overlap) = info = store if renderer is None: renderer = AnnotationRenderer() self.renderer = renderer # if using blur, render overlapping tiles to minimise edge effects. # factor of 1.5 below chosen empirically as a good balance between # empirical visual quality and added rendering time. self.overlap = int(1.5 * renderer.blur_radius) output_size = [self.output_tile_size] * 2 self.empty_img = Image.fromarray( np.zeros((output_size[0], output_size[1], 4), dtype=np.uint8), ) if self.renderer.mapper == "categorical": # get the possible categories for given score_prop from store types ="props[{self.renderer.score_prop!r}]") # make a random dictionary colour map colors = random_colors(len(types), bright=True) mapper = {key: (*color, 1) for key, color in zip(types, colors)} self.renderer.mapper = lambda x: mapper[x]
[docs] def get_thumb_tile(self: AnnotationTileGenerator) -> Image.Image: """Return a thumbnail which fits the whole slide in one tile. The thumbnail output size has the longest edge equal to the tile size. The other edge preserves the original aspect ratio. """ slide_dims = np.array( scale = self.level_downsample(self.level_count - 1) bounds = (0, 0, *slide_dims) thumb = self.renderer.render_annotations(, bounds, scale) return Image.fromarray(thumb)
[docs] def level_dimensions(self: AnnotationTileGenerator, level: int) -> tuple[int, int]: """The total pixel dimensions of the tile pyramid at a given level. Args: level (int): The level to calculate the dimensions for. """ baseline_dims = level_dims = np.ceil( np.divide(baseline_dims, self.level_downsample(level)), ).astype(int) return tuple(level_dims)
@property def level_count(self: AnnotationTileGenerator) -> int: """Number of levels in the tile pyramid. The number of levels is such that level_count - 1 is a 1:1 of the slide baseline resolution (level 0 of the WSI). """ wsi_to_tile_ratio = np.divide(, self.tile_size) # Levels where a tile contains only part of the wsi super_level_count = np.ceil(np.log2(wsi_to_tile_ratio)).max() total_level_count = super_level_count + 1 + self.sub_tile_level_count return int(total_level_count)
[docs] def get_tile( self: AnnotationTileGenerator, level: int, x: int, y: int, res: int = 1, pad_mode: str | None = None, interpolation: str | None = None, transparent_value: int | None = None, # noqa: ARG002 ) -> Image.Image: """Render a tile at a given level and coordinate. Note that levels are in the reverse order of those in WSIReader. I.E. level 0 here corresponds to the lowest resolution whereas level 0 in WSIReader corresponds to the maximum resolution (baseline). Args: level (int): The pyramid level of the tile starting from 0 (the whole slide in one tile, 0-0-0). x (int): The tile index in the x direction. y (int): The tile index in the y direction. res (int): The resolution of the tile. Defaults to 1, can be set to 2 for double resolution. pad_mode (str): Method for padding at edges of the WSI. Default to 'constant'. See :func:`numpy.pad` for more information. interpolation (str): Method of interpolation. Possible values are: nearest, linear, cubic, lanczos, area. Defaults to nearest. transparent_value (int): Not used by AnnotationTileGenerator. Returns: PIL.Image: Pillow image of the tile. Example: >>> from import AnnotationTileGenerator >>> from tiatoolbox.wsicore.wsireader import WSIReader >>> from import SQLiteStore >>> wsi ="sample.svs") >>> SQ=SQLiteStore.from_geojson(geo_path) >>> tile_generator = AnnotationTileGenerator( ..., ... store=SQ, ... ) >>> tile_0_0_0 = tile_generator.get_tile(level=0, x=0, y=0) """ if pad_mode is not None or interpolation is not None: logger.warning( "interpolation, pad_mode are unused by AnnotationTileGenerator", stacklevel=2, ) if level < 0: raise IndexError if level > self.level_count: msg = "Invalid level." raise IndexError(msg) scale = self.level_downsample(level) baseline_x = (x * self.tile_size * scale) - (self.overlap * scale) baseline_y = (y * self.tile_size * scale) - (self.overlap * scale) coord = (int(baseline_x), int(baseline_y)) if level < self.sub_tile_level_count: output_size = self.output_tile_size // 2 ** ( self.sub_tile_level_count - level ) output_size = np.repeat(output_size, 2).astype(int) thumb = self.get_thumb_tile() thumb.thumbnail((output_size[0], output_size[1])) return thumb slide_dimensions = np.array( if all(slide_dimensions < [baseline_x, baseline_y]): raise IndexError size = [self.output_tile_size * scale] * 2 bounds = locsize2bounds(coord, (int(size[0]), int(size[1]))) tile = self.renderer.render_annotations(, bounds, scale, res, self.overlap, ) return Image.fromarray(tile)