Source code for

"""This file defines patch extraction methods for deep learning models."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, TypedDict, overload

import numpy as np
from typing_extensions import Unpack

from tiatoolbox import logger
from tiatoolbox.utils import misc
from tiatoolbox.utils.exceptions import MethodNotSupportedError
from tiatoolbox.wsicore import wsireader

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from pathlib import Path

    from pandas import DataFrame

    from tiatoolbox.typing import Resolution, Units

[docs] def validate_shape(shape: np.ndarray) -> bool: """Test if the shape is valid for an image.""" return ( not np.issubdtype(shape.dtype, np.integer) or np.size(shape) > 2 # noqa: PLR2004 or bool(np.any(shape < 0)) )
[docs] class ExtractorParams(TypedDict, total=False): """A subclass of TypedDict. Defines the types of the keyword arguments passed into 'get_patch_extractor'. """ input_img: str | Path | np.ndarray locations_list: np.ndarray | DataFrame | str | Path patch_size: int | tuple[int, int] resolution: Resolution units: Units pad_mode: str pad_constant_values: int | tuple[int, int] within_bound: bool input_mask: str | Path | np.ndarray | wsireader.WSIReader stride: int | tuple[int, int] min_mask_ratio: float
[docs] class PointsPatchExtractorParams(TypedDict): """A subclass of TypedDict. Defines the types of the keyword arguments passed to PointsPatchExtractor. """ input_img: str | Path | np.ndarray locations_list: np.ndarray | DataFrame | str | Path patch_size: int | tuple[int, int] resolution: Resolution units: Units pad_mode: str pad_constant_values: int | tuple[int, int] within_bound: bool
[docs] class SlidingWindowPatchExtractorParams(TypedDict): """A subclass of TypedDict. Defines the types of the keyword arguments passed to SlidingWindowPatchExtractor. """ input_img: str | Path | np.ndarray patch_size: int | tuple[int, int] resolution: Resolution units: Units pad_mode: str pad_constant_values: int | tuple[int, int] within_bound: bool input_mask: str | Path | np.ndarray | wsireader.WSIReader | None stride: int | tuple[int, int] | None min_mask_ratio: float
[docs] class PatchExtractorABC(ABC): """Abstract base class for Patch Extraction in tiatoolbox.""" @abstractmethod def __iter__(self: PatchExtractorABC) -> PatchExtractor: """Return an iterator for the given object.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __next__(self: PatchExtractorABC) -> np.ndarray: """Return the next item for the iteration.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __getitem__(self: PatchExtractorABC, item: int) -> np.ndarray: """Get an item from the dataset.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class PatchExtractor(PatchExtractorABC): """Class for extracting and merging patches in standard and whole-slide images. Args: input_img(str, Path, :class:`numpy.ndarray`): Input image for patch extraction. patch_size(int or tuple(int)): Patch size tuple (width, height). input_mask(str, pathlib.Path, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, or :obj:`WSIReader`): Input mask that is used for position filtering when extracting patches i.e., patches will only be extracted based on the highlighted regions in the input_mask. input_mask can be either path to the mask, a numpy array, :class:`VirtualWSIReader`, or one of 'otsu' and 'morphological' options. In case of 'otsu' or 'morphological', a tissue mask is generated for the input_image using tiatoolbox :class:`TissueMasker` functionality. resolution (Resolution): Resolution at which to read the image, default = 0. Either a single number or a sequence of two numbers for x and y are valid. This value is in terms of the corresponding units. For example: resolution=0.5 and units="mpp" will read the slide at 0.5 microns per-pixel, and resolution=3, units="level" will read at level at pyramid level / resolution layer 3. units (Units): Units of resolution, default = "level". pad_mode (str): Method for padding at edges of the WSI. Default to 'constant'. See :func:`numpy.pad` for more information. pad_constant_values (int or tuple(int)): Values to use with constant padding. Defaults to 0. See :func:`numpy.pad` for more. within_bound (bool): Whether to extract patches beyond the input_image size limits. If False, extracted patches at margins will be padded appropriately based on `pad_constant_values` and `pad_mode`. If True, patches at the margins whose bounds would exceed the mother image dimensions would be neglected. Default is False. min_mask_ratio (float): Area in percentage that a patch needs to contain of positive mask to be included. Defaults to 0. Attributes: wsi (WSIReader): Input image for patch extraction of type :obj:`WSIReader`. patch_size (tuple(int)): Patch size tuple (width, height). resolution (Resolution): Resolution at which to read the image. units (Units): Units of resolution. n (int): Current state of the iterator. locations_df (pd.DataFrame): A table containing location and/or type of patches in `(x_start, y_start, class)` format. coordinate_list (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): An array containing coordinates of patches in `(x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end)` format to be used for `slidingwindow` patch extraction. pad_mode (str): Method for padding at edges of the WSI. See :func:`numpy.pad` for more information. pad_constant_values (int or tuple(int)): Values to use with constant padding. Defaults to 0. See :func:`numpy.pad` for more. stride (tuple(int)): Stride in (x, y) direction for patch extraction. Not used for :obj:`PointsPatchExtractor` min_mask_ratio (float): Only patches with positive area percentage above this value are included """ def __init__( self: PatchExtractor, input_img: str | Path | np.ndarray, patch_size: int | tuple[int, int], input_mask: str | Path | np.ndarray | wsireader.WSIReader | None = None, resolution: Resolution = 0, units: Units = "level", pad_mode: str = "constant", pad_constant_values: int | tuple[int, int] = 0, min_mask_ratio: float = 0, *, within_bound: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize :class:`PatchExtractor`.""" if isinstance(patch_size, (tuple, list)): self.patch_size = (int(patch_size[0]), int(patch_size[1])) else: self.patch_size = (int(patch_size), int(patch_size)) self.resolution = resolution self.units = units self.pad_mode = pad_mode self.pad_constant_values = pad_constant_values self.n = 0 self.wsi = self.locations_df: DataFrame self.coordinate_list: np.ndarray self.stride: tuple[int, int] self.min_mask_ratio = min_mask_ratio if input_mask is None: self.mask = None elif isinstance(input_mask, str) and input_mask in {"otsu", "morphological"}: if isinstance(self.wsi, wsireader.VirtualWSIReader): self.mask = None else: self.mask = self.wsi.tissue_mask( method=input_mask, resolution=1.25, units="power", ) elif isinstance(input_mask, wsireader.VirtualWSIReader): self.mask = input_mask else: self.mask = wsireader.VirtualWSIReader( input_mask,, mode="bool", ) self.within_bound = within_bound def __iter__(self: PatchExtractor) -> PatchExtractor: """Return an iterator for the given object.""" self.n = 0 return self def __len__(self: PatchExtractor) -> int: """Return the number of patches in the extractor.""" return self.locations_df.shape[0] if self.locations_df is not None else 0 def __next__(self: PatchExtractor) -> np.ndarray: """Return the next item for the iteration.""" n = self.n if n >= self.locations_df.shape[0]: raise StopIteration self.n = n + 1 return self[n] def __getitem__(self: PatchExtractor, item: int) -> np.ndarray: """Get an item from the dataset.""" if not isinstance(item, int): msg = "Index should be an integer." raise TypeError(msg) if item >= self.locations_df.shape[0]: raise IndexError x = self.locations_df["x"][item] y = self.locations_df["y"][item] return self.wsi.read_rect( location=(int(x), int(y)), size=self.patch_size, resolution=self.resolution, units=self.units, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_constant_values=self.pad_constant_values, coord_space="resolution", ) def _generate_location_df(self: PatchExtractor) -> PatchExtractor: """Generate location list based on slide dimension. The slide dimension is calculated using units and resolution. """ slide_dimension = self.wsi.slide_dimensions(self.resolution, self.units) self.coordinate_list = self.get_coordinates( patch_output_shape=None, image_shape=(slide_dimension[0], slide_dimension[1]), patch_input_shape=(self.patch_size[0], self.patch_size[1]), stride_shape=(self.stride[0], self.stride[1]), input_within_bound=self.within_bound, ) if self.mask is not None: selected_coord_indices = self.filter_coordinates( self.mask, self.coordinate_list, wsi_shape=slide_dimension, min_mask_ratio=self.min_mask_ratio, ) self.coordinate_list = self.coordinate_list[selected_coord_indices] if len(self.coordinate_list) == 0: logger.warning( "No candidate coordinates left after " "filtering by `input_mask` positions.", stacklevel=2, ) data = self.coordinate_list[:, :2] # only use the x_start and y_start self.locations_df = misc.read_locations(input_table=np.array(data)) return self
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_coordinates( mask_reader: wsireader.VirtualWSIReader, coordinates_list: np.ndarray, wsi_shape: tuple[int, int], min_mask_ratio: float = 0, func: Callable | None = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Validate patch extraction coordinates based on the input mask. This function indicates which coordinate is valid for mask-based patch extraction based on checks in low resolution. Args: mask_reader (:class:`.VirtualReader`): A virtual pyramidal reader of the mask related to the WSI from which we want to extract the patches. coordinates_list (ndarray and np.int32): Coordinates to be checked via the `func`. They must be at the same resolution as requested `resolution` and `units`. The shape of `coordinates_list` is (N, K) where N is the number of coordinate sets and K is either 2 for centroids or 4 for bounding boxes. When using the default `func=None`, K should be 4, as we expect the `coordinates_list` to be bounding boxes in `[start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y]` format. wsi_shape (tuple(int, int)): Shape of the WSI in the requested `resolution` and `units`. min_mask_ratio (float): Only patches with positive area percentage above this value are included. Defaults to 0. Has no effect if `func` is not `None`. func (callable): Function to be used to validate the coordinates. The function must take a `numpy.ndarray` of the mask and a `numpy.ndarray` of the coordinates as input and return a bool indicating whether the coordinate is valid or not. If `None`, a default function that accepts patches with positive area proportion above `min_mask_ratio` is used. Returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray`: list of flags to indicate which coordinate is valid. """ if not isinstance(mask_reader, wsireader.VirtualWSIReader): msg = "`mask_reader` should be wsireader.VirtualWSIReader." raise TypeError(msg) if not isinstance(coordinates_list, np.ndarray) or not np.issubdtype( coordinates_list.dtype, np.integer, ): msg = "`coordinates_list` should be ndarray of integer type." raise ValueError(msg) if coordinates_list.shape[-1] != 4: # noqa: PLR2004 msg = "`coordinates_list` must be of shape [N, 4]." raise ValueError(msg) if not 0 <= min_mask_ratio <= 1: msg = "`min_mask_ratio` must be between 0 and 1." raise ValueError(msg) # the tissue mask exists in the reader already, no need to generate it tissue_mask = mask_reader.img # Scaling the coordinates_list to the `tissue_mask` array resolution scale_factors = np.array(tissue_mask.shape[1::-1]) / np.array(wsi_shape) scaled_coords = coordinates_list.copy().astype(np.float32) scaled_coords[:, [0, 2]] *= scale_factors[0] scaled_coords[:, [0, 2]] = np.clip( scaled_coords[:, [0, 2]], 0, tissue_mask.shape[1], ) scaled_coords[:, [1, 3]] *= scale_factors[1] scaled_coords[:, [1, 3]] = np.clip( scaled_coords[:, [1, 3]], 0, tissue_mask.shape[0], ) scaled_coords = list((scaled_coords).astype(np.int32)) def default_sel_func( tissue_mask: np.ndarray, coord: tuple[int, ...] | list[int], ) -> bool: """Default selection function to filter coordinates. This function selects a coordinate if the proportion of positive mask in the corresponding patch is greater than `min_mask_ratio`. """ this_part = tissue_mask[coord[1] : coord[3], coord[0] : coord[2]] patch_area = int( pos_area = int(np.count_nonzero(this_part)) return ( (pos_area == patch_area) or (pos_area > patch_area * min_mask_ratio) ) and (pos_area > 0 and patch_area > 0) func = default_sel_func if func is None else func flag_list = [func(tissue_mask, coord) for coord in scaled_coords] return np.array(flag_list)
@overload @staticmethod def get_coordinates( # pragma: no cover patch_output_shape: None = None, image_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray | None = None, patch_input_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray | None = None, stride_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray | None = None, *, input_within_bound: bool = False, output_within_bound: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: ... @overload @staticmethod def get_coordinates( # pragma: no cover patch_output_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray, image_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray | None = None, patch_input_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray | None = None, stride_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray | None = None, *, input_within_bound: bool = False, output_within_bound: bool = False, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ...
[docs] @staticmethod def get_coordinates( patch_output_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray | None = None, image_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray | None = None, patch_input_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray | None = None, stride_shape: tuple[int, int] | np.ndarray | None = None, *, input_within_bound: bool = False, output_within_bound: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray | tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Calculate patch tiling coordinates. Args: image_shape (tuple (int, int) or :class:`numpy.ndarray`): This argument specifies the shape of mother image (the image we want to extract patches from) at requested `resolution` and `units` and it is expected to be in (width, height) format. patch_input_shape (tuple (int, int) or :class:`numpy.ndarray`): Specifies the input shape of requested patches to be extracted from mother image at desired `resolution` and `units`. This argument is also expected to be in (width, height) format. patch_output_shape (tuple (int, int) or :class:`numpy.ndarray`): Specifies the output shape of requested patches to be extracted from mother image at desired `resolution` and `units`. This argument is also expected to be in (width, height) format. If this is not provided, `patch_output_shape` will be the same as `patch_input_shape`. stride_shape (tuple (int, int) or :class:`numpy.ndarray`): The stride that is used to calculate the patch location during the patch extraction. If `patch_output_shape` is provided, next stride location will base on the output rather than the input. input_within_bound (bool): Whether to include the patches where their `input` location exceed the margins of mother image. If `True`, the patches with input location exceeds the `image_shape` would be neglected. Otherwise, those patches would be extracted with `Reader` function and appropriate padding. output_within_bound (bool): Whether to include the patches where their `output` location exceed the margins of mother image. If `True`, the patches with output location exceeds the `image_shape` would be neglected. Otherwise, those patches would be extracted with `Reader` function and appropriate padding. Return: coord_list: A list of coordinates in `[start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y]` format to be used for patch extraction. """ return_output_bound = patch_output_shape is not None image_shape_arr = np.array(image_shape) patch_input_shape_arr = np.array(patch_input_shape) if patch_output_shape is None: output_within_bound = False patch_output_shape_arr = patch_input_shape_arr else: patch_output_shape_arr = np.array(patch_output_shape) stride_shape_arr = np.array(stride_shape) if validate_shape(image_shape_arr): msg = f"Invalid `image_shape` value {image_shape_arr}." raise ValueError(msg) if validate_shape(patch_input_shape_arr): msg = f"Invalid `patch_input_shape` value {patch_input_shape_arr}." raise ValueError(msg) if validate_shape(patch_output_shape_arr): msg = f"Invalid `patch_output_shape` value {patch_output_shape_arr}." raise ValueError(msg) if validate_shape(stride_shape_arr): msg = f"Invalid `stride_shape` value {stride_shape_arr}." raise ValueError(msg) if np.any(patch_input_shape_arr < patch_output_shape_arr): msg = ( f"`patch_input_shape` must larger than `patch_output_shape` " f"{patch_input_shape_arr} must > {patch_output_shape_arr}." ) raise ValueError(msg) if np.any(stride_shape_arr < 1): msg = f"`stride_shape` value {stride_shape_arr} must > 1." raise ValueError(msg) def flat_mesh_grid_coord(x: int, y: int) -> np.ndarray: """Helper function to obtain coordinate grid.""" xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y) return np.stack([xv.flatten(), yv.flatten()], axis=-1) output_x_end = ( np.ceil(image_shape_arr[0] / stride_shape_arr[0]) * stride_shape_arr[0] ) output_x_list = np.arange(0, int(output_x_end), stride_shape_arr[0]) output_y_end = ( np.ceil(image_shape_arr[1] / stride_shape_arr[1]) * stride_shape_arr[1] ) output_y_list = np.arange(0, int(output_y_end), stride_shape_arr[1]) output_tl_list = flat_mesh_grid_coord(output_x_list, output_y_list) output_br_list = output_tl_list + patch_output_shape_arr[None] io_diff = patch_input_shape_arr - patch_output_shape_arr input_tl_list = output_tl_list - (io_diff // 2)[None] input_br_list = input_tl_list + patch_input_shape_arr[None] sel = np.zeros(input_tl_list.shape[0], dtype=bool) if output_within_bound: sel |= np.any(output_br_list > image_shape_arr[None], axis=1) if input_within_bound: sel |= np.any(input_br_list > image_shape_arr[None], axis=1) sel |= np.any(input_tl_list < 0, axis=1) #### input_bound_list = np.concatenate( [input_tl_list[~sel], input_br_list[~sel]], axis=-1, ) output_bound_list = np.concatenate( [output_tl_list[~sel], output_br_list[~sel]], axis=-1, ) if return_output_bound: return input_bound_list, output_bound_list return input_bound_list
[docs] class SlidingWindowPatchExtractor(PatchExtractor): """Extract patches using sliding fixed sized window for images and labels. Args: input_img(str, pathlib.Path, :class:`numpy.ndarray`): Input image for patch extraction. patch_size(int or tuple(int)): Patch size tuple (width, height). input_mask(str, pathlib.Path, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, or :obj:`WSIReader`): Input mask that is used for position filtering when extracting patches i.e., patches will only be extracted based on the highlighted regions in the `input_mask`. `input_mask` can be either path to the mask, a numpy array, :class:`VirtualWSIReader`, or one of 'otsu' and 'morphological' options. In case of 'otsu' or 'morphological', a tissue mask is generated for the input_image using tiatoolbox :class:`TissueMasker` functionality. resolution (Resolution): Resolution at which to read the image, default = 0. Either a single number or a sequence of two numbers for x and y are valid. This value is in terms of the corresponding units. For example: resolution=0.5 and units="mpp" will read the slide at 0.5 microns per-pixel, and resolution=3, units="level" will read at level at pyramid level / resolution layer 3. units (Units): The units of resolution, default = "level". pad_mode (str): Method for padding at edges of the WSI. Default to 'constant'. See :func:`numpy.pad` for more information. pad_constant_values (int or tuple(int)): Values to use with constant padding. Defaults to 0. See :func:`numpy.pad` for more information. within_bound (bool): Whether to extract patches beyond the input_image size limits. If False, extracted patches at margins will be padded appropriately based on `pad_constant_values` and `pad_mode`. If True, patches at the margins whose bounds would exceed the mother image dimensions would be neglected. Default is False. stride(int or tuple(int)): Stride in (x, y) direction for patch extraction, default = `patch_size`. min_mask_ratio (float): Only patches with positive area percentage above this value are included. Defaults to 0. Attributes: stride(tuple(int)): Stride in (x, y) direction for patch extraction. """ def __init__( # noqa: PLR0913 self: SlidingWindowPatchExtractor, input_img: str | Path | np.ndarray, patch_size: int | tuple[int, int], input_mask: str | Path | np.ndarray | wsireader.WSIReader | None = None, resolution: Resolution = 0, units: Units = "level", stride: int | tuple[int, int] | None = None, pad_mode: str = "constant", pad_constant_values: int | tuple[int, int] = 0, min_mask_ratio: float = 0, *, within_bound: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize :class:`SlidingWindowPatchExtractor`.""" super().__init__( input_img=input_img, input_mask=input_mask, patch_size=patch_size, resolution=resolution, units=units, pad_mode=pad_mode, pad_constant_values=pad_constant_values, within_bound=within_bound, min_mask_ratio=min_mask_ratio, ) if stride is None: self.stride = self.patch_size elif isinstance(stride, (tuple, list)): self.stride = (int(stride[0]), int(stride[1])) else: self.stride = (int(stride), int(stride)) self._generate_location_df()
[docs] class PointsPatchExtractor(PatchExtractor): """Extracting patches with specified points as a centre. Args: input_img(str, pathlib.Path, :class:`numpy.ndarray`): Input image for patch extraction. locations_list(ndarray, pd.DataFrame, str, pathlib.Path): Contains location and/or type of patch. This can be path to csv, npy or json files. Input can also be a :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. NOTE: value of location $(x,y)$ is expected to be based on the specified `resolution` and `units` (not the `'baseline'` resolution). patch_size(int or tuple(int)): Patch size tuple (width, height). resolution (Resolution): Resolution at which to read the image, default = 0. Either a single number or a sequence of two numbers for x and y are valid. This value is in terms of the corresponding units. For example: resolution=0.5 and units="mpp" will read the slide at 0.5 microns per-pixel, and resolution=3, units="level" will read at level at pyramid level / resolution layer 3. units (Units): The units of resolution, default = "level". Supported units are: microns per pixel (mpp), objective power (power), pyramid / resolution level (level), Only pyramid / resolution levels (level) embedded in the whole slide image are supported. pad_mode (str): Method for padding at edges of the WSI. Default to 'constant'. See :func:`numpy.pad` for more information. pad_constant_values (int or tuple(int)): Values to use with constant padding. Defaults to 0. See :func:`numpy.pad` for more. within_bound (bool): Whether to extract patches beyond the input_image size limits. If False, extracted patches at margins will be padded appropriately based on `pad_constant_values` and `pad_mode`. If True, patches at the margins whose bounds would exceed the mother image dimensions would be neglected. Default is False. """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=PLR0913 self: PointsPatchExtractor, input_img: str | Path | np.ndarray, locations_list: np.ndarray | DataFrame | str | Path, patch_size: int | tuple[int, int] = (224, 224), resolution: Resolution = 0, units: Units = "level", pad_mode: str = "constant", pad_constant_values: int | tuple[int, int] = 0, *, within_bound: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize :class:`PointsPatchExtractor`.""" super().__init__( input_img=input_img, patch_size=patch_size, resolution=resolution, units=units, pad_mode=pad_mode, pad_constant_values=pad_constant_values, within_bound=within_bound, ) self.locations_df = misc.read_locations(input_table=locations_list) self.locations_df["x"] = self.locations_df["x"] - int( (self.patch_size[1] - 1) / 2, ) self.locations_df["y"] = self.locations_df["y"] - int( (self.patch_size[1] - 1) / 2, )
[docs] def get_patch_extractor( method_name: str, **kwargs: Unpack[ExtractorParams], ) -> PatchExtractor: """Return a patch extractor object as requested. Args: method_name (str): Name of patch extraction method, must be one of "point" or "slidingwindow". The method name is case-insensitive. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :obj:`PatchExtractor`. Returns: PatchExtractor: An object with base :obj:`PatchExtractor` as base class. Examples: >>> from import get_patch_extractor >>> # PointsPatchExtractor with default values >>> patch_extract = get_patch_extractor( ... 'point', img_patch_h=200, img_patch_w=200) """ if method_name.lower() not in ["point", "slidingwindow"]: msg = f"{method_name.lower()} method is not currently supported." raise MethodNotSupportedError( msg, ) if method_name.lower() == "point": point_patch_extractor_args: PointsPatchExtractorParams point_patch_extractor_args = { "input_img": kwargs.get("input_img", ""), "locations_list": kwargs.get("locations_list", ""), "patch_size": kwargs.get("patch_size", (224, 224)), "resolution": kwargs.get("resolution", 0), "units": kwargs.get("units", "level"), "pad_mode": kwargs.get("pad_mode", "constant"), "pad_constant_values": kwargs.get("pad_constant_values", 0), "within_bound": kwargs.get("within_bound", False), } return PointsPatchExtractor(**point_patch_extractor_args) sliding_window_patch_extractor_args: SlidingWindowPatchExtractorParams sliding_window_patch_extractor_args = { "input_img": kwargs.get("input_img", ""), "patch_size": kwargs.get("patch_size", (224, 224)), "input_mask": kwargs.get("input_mask"), "resolution": kwargs.get("resolution", 0), "units": kwargs.get("units", "level"), "stride": kwargs.get("stride"), "pad_mode": kwargs.get("pad_mode", "constant"), "pad_constant_values": kwargs.get("pad_constant_values", 0), "min_mask_ratio": kwargs.get("min_mask_ratio", 0), "within_bound": kwargs.get("within_bound", False), } return SlidingWindowPatchExtractor(**sliding_window_patch_extractor_args)