Source code for tiatoolbox.models.engine.multi_task_segmentor

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2021, TIA Centre, University of Warwick
# All rights reserved.

"""This module enables multi-task segmentors."""

from __future__ import annotations

import shutil
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable

# replace with the sql database once the PR in place
import joblib
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import box as shapely_box
from shapely.strtree import STRtree

from tiatoolbox.models.engine.nucleus_instance_segmentor import (
from tiatoolbox.models.engine.semantic_segmentor import (

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    import torch

    from tiatoolbox.typing import IntBounds

# Python is yet to be able to natively pickle Object method/static method.
# Only top-level function is passable to multi-processing as caller.
# May need 3rd party libraries to use method/static method otherwise.
def _process_tile_predictions(
    ioconfig: IOSegmentorConfig,
    tile_bounds: IntBounds,
    tile_flag: list,
    tile_mode: int,
    tile_output: list,
    # this would be replaced by annotation store
    # in the future
    ref_inst_dict: dict,
    postproc: Callable,
    merge_predictions: Callable,
    model_name: str,
) -> tuple:
    """Process Tile Predictions.

    Function to merge new tile prediction with existing prediction,
    using the output from each task.

        ioconfig (:class:`IOSegmentorConfig`): Object defines information
            about input and output placement of patches.
        tile_bounds (:class:`numpy.array`): Boundary of the current tile, defined as
            (top_left_x, top_left_y, bottom_x, bottom_y).
        tile_flag (list): A list of flag to indicate if instances within
            an area extended from each side (by `ioconfig.margin`) of
            the tile should be replaced by those within the same spatial
            region in the accumulated output this run. The format is
            [top, bottom, left, right], 1 indicates removal while 0 is not.
            For example, [1, 1, 0, 0] denotes replacing top and bottom instances
            within `ref_inst_dict` with new ones after this processing.
        tile_mode (int): A flag to indicate the type of this tile. There
            are 4 flags:
            - 0: A tile from tile grid without any overlapping, it is not
                an overlapping tile from tile generation. The predicted
                instances are immediately added to accumulated output.
            - 1: Vertical tile strip that stands between two normal tiles
                (flag 0). It has the the same height as normal tile but
                less width (hence vertical strip).
            - 2: Horizontal tile strip that stands between two normal tiles
                (flag 0). It has the the same width as normal tile but
                less height (hence horizontal strip).
            - 3: tile strip stands at the cross section of four normal tiles
                (flag 0).
        tile_output (list): A list of patch predictions, that lie within this
            tile, to be merged and processed.
        ref_inst_dict (dict): Dictionary contains accumulated output. The
            expected format is {instance_id: {type: int,
            contour: List[List[int]], centroid:List[float], box:List[int]}.
        postproc (callable): Function to post-process the raw assembled tile.
        merge_predictions (callable): Function to merge the `tile_output` into
            raw tile prediction.
        model_name (string): Name of the existing models support by tiatoolbox
          for processing the data. Refer to [URL] for details.

        new_inst_dict (dict): A dictionary contain new instances to be accumulated.
            The expected format is {instance_id: {type: int,
            contour: List[List[int]], centroid:List[float], box:List[int]}.
        remove_insts_in_orig (list): List of instance id within `ref_inst_dict`
            to be removed to prevent overlapping predictions. These instances
            are those get cutoff at the boundary due to the tiling process.
        sem_maps (list): List of semantic segmentation maps.
        tile_bounds (:class:`numpy.array`): Boundary of the current tile, defined as
            (top_left_x, top_left_y, bottom_x, bottom_y).

    locations, predictions = list(zip(*tile_output))

    # convert from WSI space to tile space
    tile_tl = tile_bounds[:2]
    tile_br = tile_bounds[2:]
    locations = [np.reshape(loc, (2, -1)) for loc in locations]
    locations_in_tile = [loc - tile_tl[None] for loc in locations]
    locations_in_tile = [loc.flatten() for loc in locations_in_tile]
    locations_in_tile = np.array(locations_in_tile)

    tile_shape = tile_br - tile_tl  # in width height

    # as the placement output is calculated wrt highest possible resolution
    # within input, the output will need to re-calibrate if it is at different
    # resolution than the input
    ioconfig = ioconfig.to_baseline()
    fx_list = [v["resolution"] for v in ioconfig.output_resolutions]

    head_raws = []
    for idx, fx in enumerate(fx_list):
        head_tile_shape = np.ceil(tile_shape * fx).astype(np.int32)
        head_locations = np.ceil(locations_in_tile * fx).astype(np.int32)
        head_predictions = [v[idx][0] for v in predictions]
        head_raw = merge_predictions(

    if "hovernetplus" in model_name:
        _, inst_dict, layer_map, _ = postproc(head_raws)
        out_dicts = [inst_dict, layer_map]
    elif "hovernet" in model_name:
        _, inst_dict = postproc(head_raws)
        out_dicts = [inst_dict]
        out_dicts = postproc(head_raws)

    inst_dicts = [out for out in out_dicts if isinstance(out, dict)]
    sem_maps = [out for out in out_dicts if isinstance(out, np.ndarray)]
    # Some output maps may not be aggregated into a single map - combine these
    sem_maps = [
        np.argmax(s, axis=-1) if s.ndim == 3 else s  # noqa: PLR2004
        for s in sem_maps

    new_inst_dicts, remove_insts_in_origs = [], []
    for inst_id, inst_dict in enumerate(inst_dicts):
        new_inst_dict, remove_insts_in_orig = _process_instance_predictions(

    return new_inst_dicts, remove_insts_in_origs, sem_maps, tile_bounds

[docs] class MultiTaskSegmentor(NucleusInstanceSegmentor): """An engine specifically designed to handle tiles or WSIs inference. Note, if `model` is supplied in the arguments, it will ignore the `pretrained_model` and `pretrained_weights` arguments. Each WSI's instance predictions (e.g. nuclear instances) will be store under a `.dat` file and the semantic segmentation predictions will be stored in a `.npy` file. The `.dat` files contains a dictionary of form: .. code-block:: yaml inst_uid: # top left and bottom right of bounding box box: (start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y) # centroid coordinates centroid: (x, y) # array/list of points contour: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...] # the type of nuclei type: int # the probabilities of being this nuclei type prob: float Args: model (nn.Module): Use externally defined PyTorch model for prediction with. weights already loaded. Default is `None`. If provided, `pretrained_model` argument is ignored. pretrained_model (str): Name of the existing models support by tiatoolbox for processing the data. Refer to [URL] for details. By default, the corresponding pretrained weights will also be downloaded. However, you can override with your own set of weights via the `pretrained_weights` argument. Argument is case insensitive. pretrained_weights (str): Path to the weight of the corresponding `pretrained_model`. batch_size (int) : Number of images fed into the model each time. num_loader_workers (int) : Number of workers to load the data. Take note that they will also perform preprocessing. num_postproc_workers (int) : Number of workers to post-process predictions. verbose (bool): Whether to output logging information. dataset_class (obj): Dataset class to be used instead of default. auto_generate_mask (bool): To automatically generate tile/WSI tissue mask if is not provided. output_types (list): Ordered list describing what sort of segmentation the output from the model postproc gives for a two-task model this may be: ['instance', 'semantic'] Examples: >>> # Sample output of a network >>> wsis = ['A/wsi.svs', 'B/wsi.svs'] >>> predictor = MultiTaskSegmentor( ... model='hovernetplus-oed', ... output_type=['instance', 'semantic'], ... ) >>> output = predictor.predict(wsis, mode='wsi') >>> list(output.keys()) [('A/wsi.svs', 'output/0') , ('B/wsi.svs', 'output/1')] >>> # Each output of 'A/wsi.svs' >>> # will be respectively stored in 'output/0.0.dat', 'output/0.1.npy' >>> # Here, the second integer represents the task number >>> # e.g. between 0 or 1 for a two task model """ def __init__( # noqa: PLR0913 self: MultiTaskSegmentor, batch_size: int = 8, num_loader_workers: int = 0, num_postproc_workers: int = 0, model: torch.nn.Module | None = None, pretrained_model: str | None = None, pretrained_weights: str | None = None, dataset_class: Callable = WSIStreamDataset, output_types: list | None = None, *, verbose: bool = True, auto_generate_mask: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize :class:`MultiTaskSegmentor`.""" super().__init__( batch_size=batch_size, num_loader_workers=num_loader_workers, num_postproc_workers=num_postproc_workers, model=model, pretrained_model=pretrained_model, pretrained_weights=pretrained_weights, verbose=verbose, auto_generate_mask=auto_generate_mask, dataset_class=dataset_class, ) self.output_types = output_types self._futures = None if "hovernetplus" in str(pretrained_model): self.output_types = ["instance", "semantic"] elif "hovernet" in str(pretrained_model): self.output_types = ["instance"] # adding more runtime placeholder if self.output_types is not None: if "semantic" in self.output_types: self.wsi_layers = [] if "instance" in self.output_types: self._wsi_inst_info = [] else: msg = "Output type must be specified for instance or semantic segmentation." raise ValueError( msg, ) def _predict_one_wsi( self: MultiTaskSegmentor, wsi_idx: int, ioconfig: IOSegmentorConfig, save_path: str, mode: str, ) -> None: """Make a prediction on tile/wsi. Args: wsi_idx (int): Index of the tile/wsi to be processed within `self`. ioconfig (IOSegmentorConfig): Object which defines I/O placement during inference and when assembling back to full tile/wsi. save_path (str): Location to save output prediction as well as possible intermediate results. mode (str): `tile` or `wsi` to indicate run mode. """ cache_dir = f"{self._cache_dir}/" wsi_path = self.imgs[wsi_idx] mask_path = None if self.masks is None else self.masks[wsi_idx] wsi_reader, mask_reader = self.get_reader( wsi_path, mask_path, mode, auto_get_mask=self.auto_generate_mask, ) # assume ioconfig has already been converted to `baseline` for `tile` mode resolution = ioconfig.highest_input_resolution wsi_proc_shape = wsi_reader.slide_dimensions(**resolution) # * retrieve patch placement # this is in XY (patch_inputs, patch_outputs) = self.get_coordinates(wsi_proc_shape, ioconfig) if mask_reader is not None: sel = self.filter_coordinates(mask_reader, patch_outputs, **resolution) patch_outputs = patch_outputs[sel] patch_inputs = patch_inputs[sel] # assume to be in [top_left_x, top_left_y, bot_right_x, bot_right_y] geometries = [shapely_box(*bounds) for bounds in patch_outputs] spatial_indexer = STRtree(geometries) # * retrieve tile placement and tile info flag # tile shape will always be corrected to be multiple of output tile_info_sets = self._get_tile_info(wsi_proc_shape, ioconfig) # ! running order of each set matters ! self._futures = [] indices_sem = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.output_types) if x == "semantic"] for s_id in range(len(indices_sem)): self.wsi_layers.append( np.lib.format.open_memmap( f"{cache_dir}/{s_id}.npy", mode="w+", shape=tuple(np.fliplr([wsi_proc_shape])[0]), dtype=np.uint8, ), ) self.wsi_layers[s_id][:] = 0 indices_inst = [i for i, x in enumerate(self.output_types) if x == "instance"] if not self._wsi_inst_info: # pragma: no cover self._wsi_inst_info = [] self._wsi_inst_info.extend({} for _ in indices_inst) for set_idx, (set_bounds, set_flags) in enumerate(tile_info_sets): for tile_idx, tile_bounds in enumerate(set_bounds): tile_flag = set_flags[tile_idx] # select any patches that have their output # within the current tile sel_box = shapely_box(*tile_bounds) sel_indices = list(spatial_indexer.query(sel_box)) tile_patch_inputs = patch_inputs[sel_indices] tile_patch_outputs = patch_outputs[sel_indices] self._to_shared_space(wsi_idx, tile_patch_inputs, tile_patch_outputs) tile_infer_output = self._infer_once() self._process_tile_predictions( ioconfig, tile_bounds, tile_flag, set_idx, tile_infer_output, ) self._merge_post_process_results() # Maybe change to store semantic annotations as contours in .dat file... for i_id, inst_idx in enumerate(indices_inst): joblib.dump(self._wsi_inst_info[i_id], f"{save_path}.{inst_idx}.dat") self._wsi_inst_info = [] # clean up for s_id, sem_idx in enumerate(indices_sem): shutil.copyfile(f"{cache_dir}/{s_id}.npy", f"{save_path}.{sem_idx}.npy") # may need to chain it with parents def _process_tile_predictions( self: MultiTaskSegmentor, ioconfig: IOSegmentorConfig, tile_bounds: IntBounds, tile_flag: list, tile_mode: int, tile_output: list, ) -> None: """Function to dispatch parallel post processing.""" args = [ ioconfig, tile_bounds, tile_flag, tile_mode, tile_output, self._wsi_inst_info, self.model.postproc_func, self.merge_prediction, self.pretrained_model, ] if self._postproc_workers is not None: future = self._postproc_workers.submit(_process_tile_predictions, *args) else: future = _process_tile_predictions(*args) self._futures.append(future) def _merge_post_process_results(self: MultiTaskSegmentor) -> None: """Helper to aggregate results from parallel workers.""" def callback( new_inst_dicts: dict, remove_uuid_lists: list, tiles: dict, bounds: IntBounds, ) -> None: """Helper to aggregate worker's results.""" # ! DEPRECATION: # ! will be deprecated upon finalization of SQL annotation store for inst_id, new_inst_dict in enumerate(new_inst_dicts): self._wsi_inst_info[inst_id].update(new_inst_dict) for inst_uuid in remove_uuid_lists[inst_id]: self._wsi_inst_info[inst_id].pop(inst_uuid, None) x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end = bounds for sem_id, tile in enumerate(tiles): max_h, max_w = self.wsi_layers[sem_id].shape x_end, y_end = min(x_end, max_w), min(y_end, max_h) tile_ = tile[0 : y_end - y_start, 0 : x_end - x_start] self.wsi_layers[sem_id][y_start:y_end, x_start:x_end] = tile_ # ! for future in self._futures: # not actually future but the results if self._postproc_workers is None: callback(*future) continue # some errors happen, log it and propagate exception # ! this will lead to discard a whole bunch of # ! inferred tiles within this current WSI if future.exception() is not None: raise future.exception() # aggregate the result via callback # manually call the callback rather than # attaching it when receiving/creating the future callback(*future.result())