Source code for tiatoolbox.models.architecture.unet

"""Define a set of UNet variants to be used within tiatoolbox."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F  # noqa: N812
from torch import nn
from torchvision.models.resnet import Bottleneck as ResNetBottleneck
from torchvision.models.resnet import ResNet

from tiatoolbox.models.architecture.utils import UpSample2x, centre_crop
from tiatoolbox.models.models_abc import ModelABC
from tiatoolbox.utils import misc

[docs] class ResNetEncoder(ResNet): """A subclass of ResNet defined in torch. This class overwrites the `forward` implementation within pytorch to return features of each downsampling level. This is necessary for segmentation. """ def _forward_impl(self: ResNetEncoder, x: torch.Tensor) -> list: """Overwriting default torch forward so that it returns features. Args: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): Input images, the tensor is in the shape of NCHW. For this method, C=3 (i.e 3 channels images are used as input). Returns: list: List of features for each down-sample block. Each feature tensor is of the shape NCHW. """ # See note [TorchScript super()] x0 = x = self.conv1(x) x0 = x = self.bn1(x) x0 = x = self.relu(x) x1 = x = self.maxpool(x) x1 = x = self.layer1(x) x2 = x = self.layer2(x) x3 = x = self.layer3(x) x4 = x = self.layer4(x) return [x0, x1, x2, x3, x4]
[docs] @staticmethod def resnet50(num_input_channels: int) -> torch.nn.Module: """Shortcut method to create ResNet50.""" return ResNetEncoder.resnet(num_input_channels, [3, 4, 6, 3])
[docs] @staticmethod def resnet( num_input_channels: int, downsampling_levels: list[int], ) -> torch.nn.Module: """Shortcut method to create customised ResNet. Args: num_input_channels (int): Number of channels in the input images. downsampling_levels (list): A list of integers where each number defines the number of BottleNeck blocks at each down-sampling level. Returns: model (torch.nn.Module): A pytorch model. Examples: >>> # instantiate a resnet50 >>> ResNetEncoder.resnet50( ... num_input_channels, ... [3, 4, 6, 3], ... ) """ model = ResNetEncoder(ResNetBottleneck, downsampling_levels) if num_input_channels != 3: # noqa: PLR2004 model.conv1 = nn.Conv2d( # skipcq: PYL-W0201 num_input_channels, 64, 7, stride=2, padding=3, ) return model
[docs] class UnetEncoder(nn.Module): """Construct a basic UNet encoder. This class builds a basic UNet encoder with batch normalization. The number of channels in each down-sampling block and the number of down-sampling levels are customisable. Args: num_input_channels (int): Number of channels in the input images. layer_output_channels (list): A list of integers where each number defines the number of output channels at each down-sampling level. Returns: model (torch.nn.Module): A pytorch model. """ def __init__( self: UnetEncoder, num_input_channels: int, layer_output_channels: list[int], ) -> None: """Initialize :class:`UnetEncoder`.""" super().__init__() self.blocks = nn.ModuleList() input_channels = num_input_channels for output_channels in layer_output_channels: self.blocks.append( nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d( input_channels, output_channels, 3, 1, padding=1, bias=False, ), nn.BatchNorm2d(output_channels), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d( output_channels, output_channels, 3, 1, padding=1, bias=False, ), nn.BatchNorm2d(output_channels), nn.ReLU(), ), nn.AvgPool2d(2, stride=2), ], ), ) input_channels = output_channels
[docs] def forward(self: UnetEncoder, input_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> list: """Logic for using layers defined in init. This method defines how layers are used in forward operation. Args: input_tensor (:class:`torch.Tensor`): Input images, the tensor is in the shape of NCHW. Returns: list: A list of features for each down-sample block. Each feature tensor is of the shape NCHW. """ features = [] for block in self.blocks: input_tensor = block[0](input_tensor) features.append(input_tensor) input_tensor = block[1](input_tensor) # down-sample return features
[docs] def create_block( kernels: list, input_ch: list, output_ch: int, *, pre_activation: bool, ) -> list: """Helper to create a block of Vanilla Convolution. This is in pre-activation style. Args: pre_activation (bool): Whether to apply activation layer before the convolution layer. Should be True for ResNet blocks. kernels (list): A list of convolution layers. Each item is an integer and denotes the layer kernel size. input_ch (int): Number of channels in the input images. output_ch (int): Number of channels in the output images. """ layers = [] for ksize in kernels: if pre_activation: layers.extend( [ nn.BatchNorm2d(input_ch), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d( input_ch, output_ch, (ksize, ksize), padding=int((ksize - 1) // 2), # same padding bias=False, ), ], ) else: layers.extend( [ nn.Conv2d( input_ch, output_ch, (ksize, ksize), padding=int((ksize - 1) // 2), # same padding bias=False, ), nn.BatchNorm2d(output_ch), nn.ReLU(), ], ) input_ch = output_ch return layers
[docs] class UNetModel(ModelABC): """Generate families of UNet model. This supports different encoders. However, the decoder is relatively simple, each upsampling block contains a number of vanilla convolution layers, that are not customizable. Additionally, the aggregation between down-sampling and up-sampling is addition, not concatenation. Args: num_input_channels (int): Number of channels in input images. num_output_channels (int): Number of channels in output images. encoder (str): Name of the encoder, currently supports: - "resnet50": The well-known ResNet50- this is not the pre-activation model. - "unet": The vanilla UNet encoder where each down-sampling level contains 2 blocks of Convolution-BatchNorm-ReLu. encoder_levels (list): A list of integers to configure "unet" encoder levels. Each number defines the number of output channels at each down-sampling level (2 convolutions). Number of intergers define the number down-sampling levels in the unet encoder. This is only applicable when `encoder="unet"`. decoder_block (list): A list of convolution layers. Each item is an integer and denotes the layer kernel size. skip_type (str): Choosing between "add" or "concat" method to be used for combining feature maps from encoder and decoder parts at skip connections. Default is "add". Returns: torch.nn.Module: A pytorch model. Examples: >>> # instantiate a UNet with resnet50 encoder and >>> # only 1 3x3 per each up-sampling block in the decoder >>> UNetModel.resnet50( ... 2, 2, ... encoder="resnet50", ... decoder_block=(3,) ... ) """ def __init__( self: UNetModel, num_input_channels: int = 2, num_output_channels: int = 2, encoder: str = "resnet50", encoder_levels: list[int] | None = None, decoder_block: tuple[int] | None = None, skip_type: str = "add", ) -> None: """Initialize :class:`UNetModel`.""" super().__init__() if encoder.lower() not in {"resnet50", "unet"}: msg = f"Unknown encoder `{encoder}`" raise ValueError(msg) if encoder_levels is None: encoder_levels = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024] if decoder_block is None: decoder_block = [3, 3] pre_activation = None if encoder == "resnet50": pre_activation = True self.backbone = ResNetEncoder.resnet50(num_input_channels) if encoder == "unet": pre_activation = False self.backbone = UnetEncoder(num_input_channels, encoder_levels) if skip_type.lower() not in {"add", "concat"}: msg = f"Unknown type of skip connection: `{skip_type}`" raise ValueError(msg) self.skip_type = skip_type.lower() img_list = torch.rand([1, num_input_channels, 256, 256]) out_list = self.backbone(img_list) # ordered from low to high resolution down_ch_list = [v.shape[1] for v in out_list][::-1] # channel mapping for shortcut self.conv1x1 = nn.Conv2d(down_ch_list[0], down_ch_list[1], (1, 1), bias=False) self.uplist = nn.ModuleList() next_up_ch = None for ch_idx, ch in enumerate(down_ch_list[1:]): next_up_ch = ch if ch_idx + 2 < len(down_ch_list): next_up_ch = down_ch_list[ch_idx + 2] ch_ = ch if self.skip_type == "concat": ch_ *= 2 layers = create_block( decoder_block, ch_, next_up_ch, pre_activation=pre_activation, ) self.uplist.append(nn.Sequential(*layers)) self.clf = nn.Conv2d(next_up_ch, num_output_channels, (1, 1), bias=True) self.upsample2x = UpSample2x() @staticmethod def _transform(image: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Transforming network input to desired format. This method is model and dataset specific, meaning that it can be replaced by user's desired transform function before training/inference. Args: image (:class:`torch.Tensor`): Input images, the tensor is of the shape NCHW. Returns: output (:class:`torch.Tensor`): The transformed input. """ return image / 255.0 # pylint: disable=W0221 # because abc is generic, this is actual definition
[docs] def forward( self: UNetModel, imgs: torch.Tensor, *args: tuple[Any, ...], # skipcq: PYL-W0613 # noqa: ARG002 **kwargs: dict, # skipcq: PYL-W0613 # noqa: ARG002 ) -> torch.Tensor: """Logic for using layers defined in init. This method defines how layers are used in forward operation. Args: imgs (:class:`torch.Tensor`): Input images, the tensor is of the shape NCHW. args (list): List of input arguments. Not used here. Provided for consistency with the API. kwargs (dict): Key-word arguments. Not used here. Provided for consistency with the API. Returns: :class:`torch.Tensor`: The inference output. The tensor is of the shape NCHW. However, `height` and `width` may not be the same as the input images. """ # transform the input using network-specific transform function imgs = self._transform(imgs) # assume output is after each down-sample resolution en_list = self.backbone(imgs) x = self.conv1x1(en_list[-1]) en_list = en_list[:-1] for idx in range(1, len(en_list) + 1): # up-sample feature from low-resolution # block, add it with features from the same resolution # coming from the encoder, then run it through the decoder # block y = en_list[-idx] x_ = self.upsample2x(x) x = x_ + y if self.skip_type == "add" else[x_, y], dim=1) x = self.uplist[idx - 1](x) return self.clf(x)
[docs] @staticmethod def infer_batch( model: nn.Module, batch_data: torch.Tensor, *, on_gpu: bool, ) -> list: """Run inference on an input batch. This contains logic for forward operation as well as i/o aggregation. Args: model (nn.Module): PyTorch defined model. batch_data (:class:`torch.Tensor`): A batch of data generated by ``. on_gpu (bool): Whether to run inference on a GPU. Returns: list: List of network output head, each output is an :class:`numpy.ndarray`. """ model.eval() device = misc.select_device(on_gpu=on_gpu) #### imgs = batch_data imgs = imgs = imgs.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # to NCHW _, _, h, w = imgs.shape crop_shape = [h // 2, w // 2] with torch.inference_mode(): logits = model(imgs) probs = F.softmax(logits, 1) probs = F.interpolate( probs, scale_factor=2, mode="bilinear", align_corners=False, ) probs = centre_crop(probs, crop_shape) probs = probs.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # to NHWC probs = probs.cpu().numpy() return [probs]