Source code for tiatoolbox.models.architecture

"""Define a set of models to be used within tiatoolbox."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from pydoc import locate
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union

import torch

from tiatoolbox import rcParam
from tiatoolbox.models.dataset.classification import predefined_preproc_func
from tiatoolbox.utils import download_data

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from pathlib import Path

    from tiatoolbox.models.models_abc import IOConfigABC

__all__ = ["get_pretrained_model", "fetch_pretrained_weights"]
PRETRAINED_INFO = rcParam["pretrained_model_info"]

[docs] def fetch_pretrained_weights( model_name: str, save_path: str | Path | None = None, *, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> Path: """Get the pretrained model information from yml file. Args: model_name (str): Refer to `::py::meth:get_pretrained_model` for all supported model names. save_path (str | Path): Path to save the weight of the corresponding `model_name`. overwrite (bool): Overwrite existing downloaded weights. Returns: Path: The local path to the cached pretrained weights after downloading. """ if model_name not in PRETRAINED_INFO: msg = f"Pretrained model `{model_name}` does not exist" raise ValueError(msg) info = PRETRAINED_INFO[model_name] if save_path is None: file_name = info["url"].split("/")[-1] save_path = rcParam["TIATOOLBOX_HOME"] / "models" / file_name download_data(info["url"], save_path=save_path, overwrite=overwrite) return save_path
[docs] def get_pretrained_model( pretrained_model: str | None = None, pretrained_weights: str | Path | None = None, *, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> tuple[torch.nn.Module, IOConfigABC]: """Load a predefined PyTorch model with the appropriate pretrained weights. Args: pretrained_model (str): Name of the existing models support by tiatoolbox for processing the data. The models currently supported: - alexnet - resnet18 - resnet34 - resnet50 - resnet101 - resnext50_32x4d - resnext101_32x8d - wide_resnet50_2 - wide_resnet101_2 - densenet121 - densenet161 - densenet169 - densenet201 - mobilenet_v2 - mobilenet_v3_large - mobilenet_v3_small - googlenet Each model has been trained on the Kather100K and PCam datasets. The format of pretrained_model is <model_name>-<dataset_name>. For example, to use a resnet18 model trained on Kather100K, use `resnet18-kather100k and to use an alexnet model trained on PCam, use `alexnet-pcam`. By default, the corresponding pretrained weights will also be downloaded. However, you can override with your own set of weights via the `pretrained_weights` argument. Argument is case-insensitive. pretrained_weights (str): Path to the weight of the corresponding `pretrained_model`. overwrite (bool): To always overwriting downloaded weights. Examples: >>> # get mobilenet pretrained on Kather100K dataset by the TIA team >>> model = get_pretrained_model(pretrained_model='mobilenet_v2-kather100k') >>> # get mobilenet defined by TIA team, but loaded with user defined weights >>> model = get_pretrained_model( ... pretrained_model='mobilenet_v2-kather100k', ... pretrained_weights='/A/B/C/my_weights.tar', ... ) >>> # get resnet34 pretrained on PCam dataset by TIA team >>> model = get_pretrained_model(pretrained_model='resnet34-pcam') """ if not isinstance(pretrained_model, str): msg = "pretrained_model must be a string." raise TypeError(msg) if pretrained_model not in PRETRAINED_INFO: msg = f"Pretrained model `{pretrained_model}` does not exist." raise ValueError(msg) info = PRETRAINED_INFO[pretrained_model] arch_info = info["architecture"] creator = locate(f"tiatoolbox.models.architecture.{arch_info['class']}") model = creator(**arch_info["kwargs"]) # TODO(TBC): Dictionary of dataset specific or transformation? # noqa: FIX002,TD003 if "dataset" in info: # ! this is a hack currently, need another PR to clean up # ! associated pre-processing coming from dataset (Kumar, Kather, etc.) model.preproc_func = predefined_preproc_func(info["dataset"]) if pretrained_weights is None: pretrained_weights = fetch_pretrained_weights( pretrained_model, overwrite=overwrite, ) # ! assume to be saved in single GPU mode # always load on to the CPU saved_state_dict = torch.load(pretrained_weights, map_location="cpu") model.load_state_dict(saved_state_dict, strict=True) # ! io_info = info["ioconfig"] creator = locate(f"tiatoolbox.models.engine.{io_info['class']}") iostate = creator(**io_info["kwargs"]) return model, iostate