Source code for tiatoolbox.wsicore.metadata.ngff

"""Generation of metadata for the OME-NGFF (zarr) slides.

Borrowed from

Based on version 0.4 of the specification:
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from numbers import Number
from typing import List, Optional, Union

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

from tiatoolbox import __version__ as tiatoolbox_version

SpaceUnits = Literal[
TimeUnits = Literal[
TCZYX = Literal["t", "c", "z", "y", "x"]

[docs]@dataclass class Creator: """Record the creator (wsic) information. Attributes: name (str): The name of the creator. version (str): The version of the creator. """ name: str = "tiatoolbox" version: str = tiatoolbox_version
[docs]@dataclass class CoordinateTransform: """Transformation from the zarr to slide coordinate system. Attributes: type (str): The type of coordinate transform. E.g. "scale". scale (List[float]): The scale factors. Must be one for each axis. """ type: str = "identity" # noqa: A003 scale: Optional[List[float]] = None
[docs]@dataclass class Dataset: """Description of a single resolution. Attributes: path (str): Path to the dataset. This will usually be a string of an integer e.g. "0". coordinateTransformations (List[CoordinateTransform]): Transformations from the zarr to slide coordinate system. """ path: str = "0" coordinateTransformations: List[CoordinateTransform] = field( # noqa: N815 default_factory=lambda: [CoordinateTransform()] )
[docs]@dataclass class Axis: """Description of an axis including type and units. Attributes: name (str): The name of the axis. Must be one of: "t", "c", "z", "y", "x". type (str): The type of the axis. Msut be one of: "time", "space", "channel". unit (str): The units of the axis. """ name: TCZYX type: Literal["time", "space", "channel"] # noqa: A003 unit: Optional[Union[SpaceUnits, TimeUnits]] = None
[docs]@dataclass class Multiscales: """Description of multiple resolutions present. Attributes: axes (List[Axis]): The axes of the multiscales. datasets (List[Dataset]): The datasets of the multiscales. version (str): The version of the specification. """ axes: List[Axis] = field( default_factory=lambda: [ Axis("y", "space", "micrometer"), Axis("x", "space", "micrometer"), Axis("c", "channel", None), ] ) datasets: List[Dataset] = field(default_factory=lambda: [Dataset()]) version: str = "0.4"
[docs]@dataclass class Window: """The range of values within a channel. Attributes: end (int): The end of the window. max (int): The maximum value in the window. min (int): The minimum value in the window. start (int): The start of the window. """ end: Number = 255 max: Number = 255 # noqa: A003 min: Number = 0 # noqa: A003 start: Number = 0
[docs]@dataclass class Channel: """Description of a single channel. Attributes: active (bool): Whether the channel is active by default. color (str): The color of the channel in hexadecimal format. E.g. "FF0000" for red. family (str): The family of the channel. E.g. "linear". inverted (bool): Whether the channel is inverted. window (Window): The min and max values represented in the channel. """ active: bool = True coefficient: float = 1.0 color: str = "FF0000" # Hexadecimal color code family: str = "linear" inverted: bool = False label: str = "Red" window: Window = field(default_factory=Window)
[docs]@dataclass class RDefs: """Defaults for axes and colour model. Attributes: defaultT (int): Default timepoint. defaultZ (int): Default z-plane. model (str): Colour model: "color" or "greyscale". """ defaultT: int = 0 # noqa: N815 defaultZ: int = 0 # noqa: N815 model: Literal["color", "greyscale"] = "color"
[docs]@dataclass class Omero: """Display information e.g. colour channel information. Attributes: name (str): The display name. id (int): The omero ID. channels (List[Channel]): The colour channels. rdefs (RDefs): The default values for axes and colour model. version (str): The version of the specification. """ name: Optional[str] = None id: int = 1 # noqa: A003 channels: list = field( default_factory=lambda: [ Channel(label="Red", color="FF0000"), Channel(label="Green", color="00FF00"), Channel(label="Blue", color="0000FF"), ] ) rdefs: RDefs = field(default_factory=RDefs) version: str = "0.4"
[docs]@dataclass class Zattrs: """Root metadata. Attributes: _creator (Creator): Information about the creator. multiscales (Multiscales): Information about the multiscales. _ARRAY_DIMENSIONS (List[TCZYX]): The dimensions of the array, for xarray compatibility. omero (Omero): Information about the display of image data. """ _creator: Creator = field(default_factory=Creator) multiscales: List[Multiscales] = field(default_factory=lambda: [Multiscales()]) _ARRAY_DIMENSIONS: List[TCZYX] = field(default_factory=lambda: ["y", "x", "c"]) omero: Omero = field(default_factory=Omero)